Happy New Year

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It's been two days since Christmas, and the thing that was still on Azurite's mind the moment when Spinel kissed him in the cheek, and the feelings that exploded inside of his body when that happened. He didn't really knew what to think about them, because he had never felt something like that. Yes, he had experienced love before, from Aleena, her family and Shi'ra, but those feelings were in family-like way, this time, those feelings were something completely different.

He knew that he needed to talk with someone, but he didn't know with who. Jasper, Orange Pearl, and Centi were quickly erased from the list of the people he should talk to about it, even Shi'ra was out from the list, because, she told him many times that for as long as she remembered, she never felt any desire towards this type of things.

But then someone else came into his mind. He knew that these two people weren't the best people, but it was still better than nothing. He made his way to his room, once, he made sure that no one was nearby his room, and wasn't going to hear about what he was going to talk with these people, he shut the doors behind him. He went over to his bed and laid down on it, before activating the device on his arm.

A moment later, someone answered his call, and a familiar woman with two antennas on her head appeared on the screen, "Hey, Mantis." he greeted her.

"Hi, Azurite!" Mantis said in her usual innocent tone, waving her hand at him, "It's good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too." Azurite said back.

"How are you doing?" Mantis asked him. Azurite held back a chuckle, no matter how many times he called them, Mantis was always asking him this question. The last time was two days ago during Christmas, when he, Spinel, Jasper, Shi'ra, Centi and Orange Pearl callled them to give them their Christmas wishes.

"I'm doing fine, I actually haven't felt like that for a long time." Azurite answered.

"I'm glad to hear that." Mantis said, her smile not leaving her face.

"Mantis, can you get Quill and Drax here? I want to talk with them about something in private." Azurite told her.

"Of course. There'll be here in a moment." Mantis said as she stood up from the seat and went to get Quill and Drax.

Azurite sighed deeply as he heard the sound of footsteps, walking towards the screen where the Guardians were receiving calls for messages from him, or other people. He actually started to have seconds thoughts about this, but he knew that there was no backing down from it now, when the two Guardians sat down on the seats before the screen.

"Hey, dude." Quill greeted him.

"Welcome, Azurite." Drax greeted him as well, right after Quill said his greetings.

"Hey, guys." Azurite greeted them back.

"Mantis said you wanted to talk with us about something in private." Quill said, wanting to be sure.

"Yes." Azurite confirmed with a nod of his head. He sighed and braced himself for asking them this question, "I need to ask you both about something. You see, I think I may like someone."

"What's wrong with it, pal?" Quill asked him, thinking it was just in a friendly manner, just his crew with Azurite or Shi'ra.

"Not in that way, Quill..." Azurite said, feeling the blush that was growing on his face.

"...Oh..." Quill said in realization as Drax remained silent, just nodding his head to that.

"Yeah..." Azurite said, feeling even more nervous because of their reaction, "Quill. From what I heard about you, before you met Gamora you seemed to be constantly around women, and you Drax used to be married so I thought you were good people to ask about advice."

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