Planning Next Move

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"What can we do?" Those words rang through Azurite's ears. He sighed as he started to think what they could do in this situation. He knew that this day will come. He's been waiting for it for over twenty years. And this day has finally come, and he had no idea what to do.

He sighed as, he looked around himself for a moment and saw that everyone had their eyes on him, "If I'm honest with myself, and all of you. There ain't much we can do now. At the moment we speak now, he already has two stones which already makes him one of the most powerful if not the powerful beings in the universe.''

Steven stared up at Azurite as he put his hand on his arm, "Azurite, you know more about Thanos than any of us. Tell us everything that the Guardians told you, and then we'll figure something out."

Azurite nodded his head as he started telling them everything he knew, "The Guardians said that they're going to split up and head in two directions. Quill, Gamora, Drax and Mantis are going to Knowhere to retrieve the Reality Stone from the Collector, while Rocket and Groot are going to to different place along with this guy from the Avengers. Thor is his name."

"Thor?" Steven asked, wanting to be sure if he didn't misheard it. 

"Yes." Azurite confirmed with a nod.

"Where did they met him?" Steven raised his brow. How did Azurite's friends come across one of the Earth Mightiest Heroes?

"They saved him. Thanos got the Space Stone from him after he attacked their refugee ship, killing so many of his people in the process, including his brother Loki." Azurite explained.

The last part got quite a reaction from the crowd. Loki Odinson, the man that attacked the Earth all those years ago was dead? 

"And he got the Power Stone a week ago, when he decimated Xandar." Azurite added, ignoring the expressions that appeared on their faces.

"Death follows him like a shadow." Shi'ra added, standing by Azurite's side, doing a good job at hiding the shock at the news that Xandar was gone.

"Gamora told me that we have two options. Quill, Gamora, Drax and Mantis went to Knowhere to retrieve the Reality Stone from the Collector..." Azurite continued to tell them everything Gamora told him about Thanos.

"The Collector? Ain't that the person that made you come here because he wanted you to bring him a Pearl so she could serve him?" Pearl asked him. She wanted to ask about him since Azurite mentioned him a few moments earlier, but then Steven asked Azurite about Thor.

"Yes. That's the same guy." Azurite confirmed with a nod of his head.

"And you're telling us that he had one of those stones for this whole time?" Amethyst asked.

"Yes. I have no idea who was that stupid to give it to him." Azurite stated, shaking his head.

"What about Rocket and Groot? You said that they're going to a different place with Thor." Spinel spoke up.

"They went to a planet called Nidavellir." Azurite told Spinel what this place was, not excepting anyone to know about it, but much to his suprise one of them spoke up.

"Wait... Nidavellir? This place is real?" Bismuth spoke up, clearly suprised by the news.

"You've heard about it, Bismuth?" Pearl asked her, turning her attention along with many other gems to her. They never head her mention this place.

"All Bismuths did. This place is a legend among us. It was used to make the most powerful weapons in the universe." Bismuth explained what Nidavellir was to them.

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