The Past

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Location: Konoritos

19 year earlier

Azurite stood up from his crouching position, before looking to his right to see a young woman pointing an arrow at the animal which was not too far from them, "Okay, Aleena. You're doing fine, so far. Just relax, and shoot it when you'll think it's the right moment."

Aleena let out a deep breath, as she had her attention completely on her target. She closed her eyes, and quickly opened them again, which was followed by another deep breath before she loosened the arrow, which hit the animal in the neck, causing it to collaps on the ground, "I did it!" 

"Great shot, kiddo." Azurite said, rubbing Aleena's head, as she smiled, enjoying it, "If you're going to keep improving you're going to make a great hunter."

"I have the best teacher." Aleena said back to him, as they began making their way towards the animal she just down in the neck, to see it slowly bleeding it, as the blood was pouring through it's wounded neck, "Alright, now the hard part."

Even though it wasn't the first animal she hunted with Azurite, she still was getting used to ending the animals life, once she made that it will not run away from them once they'll get close to it.  She took her machete off her back, and aimed it right at it's neck, before lowering it down, ending it's life.

"Still getting used to it?" Azurite asked her, even though the answer was quite obvious to him.

"Yes. It's not as hard as it used to be, but, you know." Aleena answered.

"I know." Azurite replied, putting his hand on the shoulders, as his mind flew to the hunting trips he went along with Darnel, "It takes everyone to get used to it."

"Who is going to carry it?" Aleena wanted to know, as Azurite got his hand of her shoulder.

"I will. You did enough today." Azurite told her, as he picked the animal up, and wrapped it around his shoulders, with it's belly touching his the back of his head.

"If you say so, uncle Az." Aleena said with shrug of her shoulders, as the two of them began to head back to their city.

"Uncle Az? Aleena. You started calling me like that when you were twelve. Now, you're seventeen, don't you think you're a little too old for using that nickname?" Azurite asked.

"It doesn't matter to me. You'll always be uncle Az to me, no matter how old I'll be." Aleena said with a shrug of her shoulders.

Azurite chuckled, "Oh, I can only imagine how your kids are going to call me if they're mom is going to kept calling me Uncle Az."

"Kids?" Aleena asked, as her eyes shot open at his comment, "I'm only seventeen year old! It'll take me a long time to have them!"

"I'm just saying." Azurite told her with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You sound like my mom, right now." Aleena pointed out, a smirk growing on her face.

"I'll take that as the compliment, Little Al." Azurite said back, using the old nickname he came up to her a few years ago.

Aleena chuckled, before she opened her mouth to speak, but she suddenly stopped like her legs froze into the ground. Her eyes widened, as an expression of confusion grew on her face.

"Aleena, what's wrong?" Azurite wanted to know, noticing that something was going on with her.

"Look!" Aleena shouted, pointing up at the sky.

Wondering, what she meant by that, Azurite looked up and the view made him drop the animal on the ground, "What?"

They saw a huge warship, flying above the town where they lived. Their confusion quickly changed into shock and fear when they heard scream of Zarans coming from the city, which was followed by the sound of someone shooting a gun.

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