Whatever it takes

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Three large figured emerged from the ship that just arrived. The three Diamonds appeared in everyone's sight. All three of them stood together, for the first time in over five years, their eyes gazing around, looking for only one person. That person was the Mad Titan himself. The gems who fought on Homeworld's side during rebellion actually flinched a bit after seeings their expressions. Those expressions were something they've shown only during the rebellion when they spoke of Rose Quartz.

Azurite, Shi'ra, Jon, Robb, Rickon and many others on the battlefield couldn't believe it but seeing the Diamonds on the battlefield was actually quite relieving. They needed as many people as they could to defeat Thanos.

Thanos saw the arrival of the Diamonds and was immediately realized that this situation required certain measure. He'd have to do something he has never done before.

He turned to Corvus Glaive and ordered, "Release the Titans."

Glaive looked up at his father, asking, "All of them?"

"All of them." Thanos answered. The arrival of the Diamonds was a situation where he needed all of them on the battlefield.

His order fulfilled just seconds after he ordered it and five more dropships fell from Sanctuary 2 and they slid open as they were eggs. Five more Chitauri Titans were unleashed into the battlegrounds. The beasts let out horrendous war screams as everyone just stared into them. They barely managed to defeat two of them, and now five more completely unschathed Chitauri Titans were released into the battlegrounds.

Thanos pointed his double sided sword forward, ordering them, "Keep the Diamonds busy."

Peter Parker didn't stare at them for long as he was practically swarmed with Outriders. He was ready for that when he shouted, "Activate instant kill!"

His suit unleashed four extra spider-arms, each equipped with a sharpened, dagger-like end. Even though he never tried it before, Instant-Kill Mode worked as well as he expected and it t killed. A lot. Any Outrider, that tried to swarm him, was met with the ends of each spider-leg.

Blue Diamond moved forward and her eyes finally caught the sight of the Mad Titan. She glared at him and said, "Thanos."

The Mad Titan turned towards her, "Blue Diamond."

"We've been tolerating your existance for far too long. It's time to finally take care of you." Blue Diamond stated, her glare not leaving her face.

Thanos said nothing in response to her swords as Blue Diamonds moved towards him with, with two shiny auras forming on both of her hands. She shot her hands forward and aura was fired at the Mad Titan who held his sword in front of himself before it could reach. The blades began to move around the blade, deflecting her strike as the owner of the sword roared, skidding backwards a bit.

She had to stop her attack when one of the Chitauri Titans moved towards her. The massive Chitauri was actually taller than her and she knew she had to take it out before coming back to Thanos. The Chitauri Titan moved his claws downwards, right at her, as Blue Diamonds moved her hands upwards to grab them before they could hit her. Everyone watched the clash of Blue Diamond and Chitauri Titan, and the gem was ducking every attempt of the Chitauri to slash or to bite her with it's jaw filled with sharp teeth.

She grabbed its' claws once again, and she had an idea how to send it away from her, even if it would last just a moment Blue aura began to glow in her hands and when it was finally ready, she fired it right the chest of the Chitauri Titan. Blowing some parts of it's armor, because of her being just inches away from it as the beast stumbled back a bit, just like she wanted it to do. It was her moment to counter attack. She began to concetrate her aura into five square like projectles, preparing a strike which would surely damage the Chituari Titan in front of her.

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