Saturday (8/4)

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It's good to be in the outside world again.

That place made me feel trapped in my thoughts. It's like prison.

I sweep the concrete sidewalk slowly. Aunt Mimi didn't want me at the register since my brain is still healing.

There's a white bandage wrapped around my head, a gauge is placed on my neck from my self-directed stabbing and my body is weaker than I can remember.

I haven't slept in weeks and I've barely eaten. It's a miracle I'm even sweeping right now.

The cool wind brushes my bruised cheeks, aunt Mimi's slaps still haven't healed. She must really hate me to slap me so forcefully repeatedly.

I can tell why she would.

A loud gasp brings me out of my depressed thoughts.

I lift my head to see the bright face that Mark owns. He's wearing his typical oversized sweater with his black jeans. Today his sweater is red.

"Jackson!" He runs to me and envelopes me into a tight hug. The broom drops on the floor with a clack! I grunt from the force of his hug.

Wait a minute.

This is my first hug.

Mark's arms squeeze my torso tightly. His cheek rests against my chest and his hair subtly tickles my chin.

Hesitantly, I wrap my arms around Mark and hug him back. Am I doing this right?

Mark nuzzles his face further into my chest as he squeezes me even tighter.

"I missed you Jacks." He releases me from the hug, I instantly miss his warmth. He stares at me with his big brown eyes and with a bright, big smile.

As if a magician casted a spell and lifted the curse off of my face, I smile.

I actually smiled.

My lips curve upwards and crease.

Mark stares at me in shock. Then, he starts to jump up and down.

"You smiled! Yay! You smiled!" He cheers enthusiastically. "Awesome!"

I missed this. His happiness is beautiful.

"Holy moly! I'm gonna be late!" Mark checks his phone and starts to panic. "We still going to school together on Monday?"

I nod my head.

Where does he go so early in the morning?

"Bye Jackson! I'm glad you're back!" He waves goodbye to me.

I wave back with a small smile. He covers his mouth and stares at me in awe.

"I'm so proud of you." He scurries off down the street and I watch as his slim legs carry him down the block. His hair bounces with every step he takes then he disappears.

He's just wonderful. Maybe he's an angel sent from above.

I'm just spamming these updates(:

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