Sunday (10/28)

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"The hell is wrong with you!"

"There's nothing wrong with me!"

"Yes there is, you crazy psycho bitch!"

My aunt argues with her boyfriend. He wasn't too happy once he found out how beaten I am. His monstrous workout is canceled this weekend.

I listen to their argument as I sit on my bed.

"No! Please!" She cries.

Heavy footsteps approach my bedroom door. My door bursts open.

"You don't like him?" My aunt's boyfriend grabs a handful of my overgrown hair and yanks me out of my bed. He holds my body in front of my crying aunt.

"Why don't you like him? Is it because he's your sister's son? Did you hate her?"

"No! Never!" She yells, her brunette hair is a mess and her face is wet with tears.

"Why do you treat him like shit then?!"

"He killed her! He's ruined my life! He hasn't done anything for me! Why should he be treated good?"

"He killed your sister?" Her boyfriend's tone drops.

"Yes! She only wanted to hear her son's voice! She cried every night knowing how terrible it is to have a muted child." My aunt explains through tears.

"And better yet," She chuckles bitterly. "when she died, my sister was pregnant."


Mom was pregnant?

My aunt looks at me. Her scornful eyes pierce through me.

"You killed your father, my sister and your little brother. How do you feel about that?" She points her finger at me.

Her boyfriend chucks me onto the ground.

"Disgusting." He glowers at me. "All because you were selfish enough to not talk? Disgusting!"

He slaps me. The force is ten times worse than my aunt's.

"You see!" My aunt grabs her boyfriend's arm. "He's terrible! I don't want to take care of him! He's 21 for God's sake! An adult who still acts like this!"


"Get out." Her boyfriend glares at me.

"Wait. Kyung-hoon, I can't throw him out like that. The government will kill me."

"Then fill out those papers. Get rid of this sick fuck."

Their glares pierce through my heart. My chest is throbbing in pain.

"Won't speak a word." Her boyfriend bends to my level. "Who's gonna marry a silent piece of shit? No one. What kids will you have? None. Who will love you? No one!"

Tears well in my eyes as his words sink into my bottomless heart. A solid lump forms in my throat.

"You'll be lonely forever. Forever! You might as well die! There's nothing for you to live for!"

A sob breaks through my throat.

"You're gonna cry!" He smacks me on my head and grabs my throat.

"Tell him!" My aunt cheers behind him.

He squeezes my throat and continues to repeat his speech of my worthlessness.

The air in my lungs becomes minimal as he chokes me.

Kill me.

There's no point in living.

He releases my throat. As I cough and sputter, he punches me in my gut.

"You little bastard!" My aunt kicks my face.

The two of them beat me in my room. My ribs crunch as my aunt's boyfriend kicks my stomach.

The neverending pain.

They beat me until my body passes out from the pain.


I miss you.

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