Saturday (12/13)

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It's beautiful.

It's breathtakingly beautiful.

"Whoo! It's snowing!" Mark spins around and laughs happily.

His red scarf flutters in the wind, his grey coat swallows him up, his ear muffs and mittens keep him warm.

His smile is mesmerizing as he stares up at the snowy sky. White snow hits his pale cheeks which makes him giggle.

"It's so nice." Mark turns to me and smiles.

"Very nice." I agree. I could care less about the snow. Mark is the one that I am admiring.

Mark runs to me and grabs my free hand. My other hand holds onto a bag containing freshly baked cookies.

"Let's run." He pulls me into the snow. I can't resist that bright smile of his.

We run in the cold weather. The wet snow slaps our faces and the running warms our cold bodies.

We laugh, we tumble, we have indescribable fun.

It's nice to go on walks. To just be free and have fun. It's refreshing.

"That was great." Mark laughs as he tries to warm his cold hands. He's the one with the mittens, my hands are bear.

But, I can withstand the coldness. He simply cannot.

"It was amazing." I smile as I stuff my numbing hands into the pockets of my black coat.

"Yes!" Mark falls onto the snow. He makes a snow angel in the park.

He giggles as he stares at his masterpiece. An angel making an angel.

I help him up and I dust the white snow off of his clothes. He thanks me with an energetic smile.

In the distance, the sound of Christmas music fills our ears. I seize this moment to make the night even better.

After resting the bag of cookies onto the snowy ground, I hold out my hand.

"Care to dance?"

Mark smiles so widely, his eyes almost disappear.

"Of course." Mark takes me hand.

And we dance in the dark, cold night. We dance in the snow, leaving our footprints in the soft, white ice. We dance with big smiles on our faces.

We dance.

Now, we sway. We sway with the chilling wind.

Mark's face rests against my chest, my hands lay on his waist.

"I feel alive." Mark speaks softly.

"You are alive." I respond.

"Sometimes I feel inhuman." Mark continues. "Like I'm a ghost. I can't eat, sleep or do things that normal humans can do. Like I'm not real. Inhuman."

I remove my hands from his waist and cup his face in my hands. I kiss his warm lips.

"You seem very human to me." I smile.

Mark smiles as he rests his hands over mine that cup his face.

"You always make me feel human." Mark kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." He whispers softly. A very loving smile plays on his lips. A gush of wind makes his messy black hair flutter underneath his red beanie. His brown eyes sparkle in the dark night.

He's beautiful.

He's precious.

He should feel anything but inhuman.

I caress his pale cheek with my thumb.

"Can I make you feel more human?" I ask quietly.

"How?" Mark raises his brow.

My left hand drops to his waist. My left hand continues to stroke his cheek.

"I want to make love to you."

"J-Jackson." Mark's eyes widen and his cheeks turn red.

"I want you to feel human. I want you to feel pleasure, not pain." I hold his hand tightly in my grip. "Let us become one."

"Would you like that?"

A tear trinkles down his face.

"I'd love that." Mark smiles.

That makes me happy. It makes me so happy.

I give Mark a piggyback ride the remainder of the trip back home. We joke and laugh the entire time.

Once we step into our warm house, Mark turns to me with a vibrant smile lifting his pink lips.

"I love you." He speaks sincerely.

"I love you more." I speak sincerely.

Mark gasps.

"I love you more."

"Nope. I love you the mostest." I retort.

"Mostest!" Mark laughs at my mediocre joke.

I move closer to him and I kiss his laughing mouth. And I lift his light body up, he wraps his slim legs around my waist and my hands rest on his butt.

Tonight, Mark and I are going to become one. We're going to experience things that we've never experienced before.

It's our first and possibly....our last.

Tonight will be special. I'll make sure it's special.

"You ready?" I stare up at Mark. He nods his head.

"I'm ready." He hugs me tightly and hides his blushing face.

"Make me feel human."

I smile.

"Trust me, I will."

"My angel."

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