Saturday (2/9)

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"Valentine's day is coming up." Mark throws a rock into the river.

The rock skips into the river, ripples appear after it sinks into the water.

Valentine's day...

A day that never really caught my attention. It's a day for lovers and I've certainly never had a lover.

In my opinion, it's just a day.

I shrug in response.

"Oh, Jackson." Mark smirks and nudges my shoulder. "Get the spirit of love and affection!" He stands and twirls around the riverside.

A subtle laugh rumbles in my throat.

Mark giggles and grabs my hand.

We walk together into the warm hospital, Mark goes on and on about how nice Valentine's day is.

Secret admirers, heart shaped cards, heart candies, pinkness, roses and so many other things revolved around Valentine's day.

Mark looks so happy talking about this holiday. I wonder if it's his favorite.

Maybe I should get him a gift.

Mark walks me to my room then he dashes out to meet his doctor.

An hour after Mark leaves, my therapist walks into my room. A group of people with suits and briefcases enter the room.

I already know what this is for.

"No." I refuse immediately.

"You can talk?!" My therapist's eyes almost pop out of her eye sockets.

"No." I refuse again. The people in the suits start to drag chairs to my bed.

"Jackson," My therapist begins. "you have to testify. This is your case!"


"You don't want to properly accuse the people who have hurt you the most? You don't want to serve justice? You don't want revenge!"

"No!" I yell.

"You're just going to sit here and let them get away with this? Do you think killing yourself will help you get rid of your pain? Do you Jackson!" She grabs the collar of my sweater.

"I've dealt with your nonsense for 10 years! Like your aunt always said, if you want to die, then just die dammit! If you don't want to stand up to these cruel people, you're just letting them win the fight!"

My tears wet my cheeks.

"You need to win! Or else you are better off dead. Dead and rotting underneath co-"

"Stop it!"

My therapist's head snaps towards the door. Through my tear filled eyes, I see a very familiar figure.


"Who are you?" My therapist snaps.

"I'm Jackson's friend." Mark comes closer to me and stands beside my bed.

"Friend? After all these years, you made a friend?" My therapist laughs.

"You're a terrible therapist." Mark glares at the middle-aged woman.

"Oh really?" She bites back. "If you had to deal with...this for so many years, you would be just as tired."

"His name is Jackson. He is not a 'this'." Mark defends me.

My therapist scoffs.

"You're standing up for this suicidal, muted boy? You want to be friends with a boy who was born with depression? Who rarely smiles? Never laughs? Has no emotions whatsoever!"

"He does have emotions!" Mark yells back.

"It's people like you that make him sad!"

"What?" My therapist steps back.

"You're supposed to be helping him and here you are beating him down!"

"Jackson has a kind heart. He doesn't deserve to be yelled at or beaten. So what if he doesn't talk? Accept it! Let him speak when he's comfortable to speak, don't beat him down if you want a response immediately."

My therapist's lips press together as she listens to Mark.

"Leave Jackson alone. Stop being bullies! Let him live his life the way he wants to live it."

My therapist and Mark exchange viscous glares. I've never seen either of them this angry.

My heart throbs. Mark...stood up for me. That's a first....thank you, Mark.

A man clears his throat and opens his briefcase.

"Young man," The man looks at Mark. "I certainly agree with your opinion. But Ms. Lee, your statement about Mr. Wang regarding his right to testify in court, I agree with it."

"I think Mr. Wang should testify to rightfully accuse his 'bullies'. Don't you think so?" The man looks at Mark.

Mark begins to think.

"His aunt attempted to kill him." A woman speaks. "That's all we have for evidence, but from what I just saw, I believe that she and her boyfriend did much more to Mr. Wang."

My heart monitor begins to beep rapidly.

Mark looks down at me. He holds my hand tightly in his grip. My heart monitor steadily goes back into rhythm.

"He'll do it." Mark answers the men and women.

My therapist gasps and the man who spoke before nods his head. Mark looks down at me and smiles.

"You can do it. I'll be there with you. Okay?"

I nod my head.

Multiple papers are signed. My official court date is March 23rd, five days before my birthday.

I'll be discharged by March 10th. Mark signs the papers to confirm that I am an individual being that doesn't need financial support by any means.

I'm an adult and I should live like an adult.

Mark says once I get discharged, I can stay by his house. That's probably the best part of today. The thought of being with Mark every day.

Mark leaves late in the day, the longest he's ever stayed, and hugs me goodbye.

He's had a migraine all morning but he stayed to fight for me.

I watch as he walks down the white hallways of the hospital. His blond hair bouncing with each step, his slim legs fitting perfectly in black jeans, and his tanned coat and red scarf bundling him up.

He held me up today.

He yelled for me.

He supported me.

He's an angel.

I love you, my angel.

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