Saturday (7/21)

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"Jackson," A guard approaches as I read my book. "you have a call."

I drop my book so quickly, the guard jumps back. My weak legs somehow takes me to the calling room where a phone is waiting for me take hold of it.

"He's here." The lady hands me the phone and I place the cold material against my ear. "1 minute." She speaks coldly.

"Hello? Jackson?"

His voice.

I haven't heard it in so long. I wish I could see his face with that bright smile.

"Oh! I heard you breathe! It must be you!" He giggles.

"Are you okay? I hope you're okay because I really want to see you again."

My legs give out and I slide to the ground. My back rests against the cold concrete wall.

"It's no fun at the cafè without you. You have to come back so we can chat again! I have so much I have to tell you!"

Warm tears stream down my face.

"Please get better, Jackson. You're making me worried. I seriously hope you get out as soon as possible! Stay healthy and strong! Bye Jackson!"

The line ends. The lady hangs the phone back up. Cruel. A one minute phone call.

I need to hear more of his voice. I need more...

I reach for the phone and the lady refuses.

"Your time is up, Jackson."

I don't care. Let me talk to Mark. Let me hear more of his happy voice.

I bang my head on the wall. Just like that time weeks ago. I bang my head until it bleeds and I knock myself into darkness.

Sweet, beloved darkness.

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