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Grace blinked a couple of times and sat up, she stretched. "Did you sleep well?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah," she sighed. "It's good to sleep on a bed."

"Yup," she smiled. "Eat some breakfast, then we need to head out, Andre is becoming reckless, I had to put him to sleep again, the potions aren't helping, he burns through it quickly, it's like he's fighting sleep."

"Andre is a fighter," Grace smiled.

Lucy placed a hand on her belly. "I would've had suggested for you to stay at home since your pregnant, but you would've had said no."

"Exactly," she stood and washed up. "How long until we get to your hometown?"

"Not long," she said. "We have two days, depending on the obstacles we may encounter like those thieves."

Grace chuckled. "About now, the potion should've had worn off, right?"

"Yeah," Lucy laughed. "Unless a coyote had them for lunch."

Grace wrinkled her nose. "Right," she got dressed. "I hope my family is alright; something always tends to happen."

"I'm sure they are okay," Lucy said. "Besides, I did leave protective spells on each corner of the lands."

"Thanks," Grace sat down and drank the tea. "Hmm, sweet."

After breakfast, they gathered their things and made their way out of town. Andre was wide awake and restless. He wanted to get out. "Calm down, Andre," Grace sighed. "I get that you want to get out, but that's not going to happen. Your danger to yourself and everyone, including us."

Andre calmed down and lowered down to sniff her stomach.

"Hmm," she looked down.

"I think Andre senses the baby," Lucy said.

Grace smiled. "Yes, there's a baby in there, and no it's not yours, remember we talked about it."

"I can tell Andre recognizes your voice," Lucy said. "And that's a good thing; maybe we won't need any potions, maybe Andre will come out of that state on his own."

"Yeah," Grace reached between the bars and stroke Andres nose. "Everything will be okay; I won't ever leave your side."

The journey to Lucy's home was long and exhausting, they encounter more thieves, and Andre escaped twice. But he always came back, bloody and angry. Lucy said it was animal blood.

And now they arrived in the town. "Wow," Grace looked back. "It's like I enter a different world, it's so, gloomy here. Why is it so dim?"

"It suits us," Lucy said.

"Oh," Grace frowned. "But how is everything lit?"

"Crystals," Lucy said. "There dosed in magic, and they create an illusion so the humans that stumble upon our town will go through it, they'll think it's an ordinary road."

"Oh, clever," Grace looked around. "Your town is beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled. "Now, let's get to my house."

Grace looked at Andre, who was asleep; there was no need to knock him out anymore.

The wagon stopped. Grace looked at the small house. "It's so small."

Lucy chuckled. "Is it now?"

Grace got off and followed Lucy inside. "Oh, huh?"

"Illusion," Lucy said. "The outside looks small, but in reality, it's huge."

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