12: Darkness

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Andre rushed out of the basement and stepped out into the streets. He looked around, trying to find Grace, to get a glimpse. A dangerous sensation crept behind him. As if death had touched his very soul. He turned in time to see a figure emerge from the darkness of the black smoke swirling around, protecting her. "Grace!"

Grace stopped and looked up. What he saw was not the woman he met. The woman he loved. This woman was an empty shell. Her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes held no emotion; the brightness had faded away, leaving only the dullness. They almost looked black; if someone stares for too long, they'll get sucked in, into the void. His blonde hair had lost color and seemed to also be turning black. Her skin was paler, then the last time he saw her. She wore nothing; literally, she was naked. He scans her body, no signs of her being pregnant, none. He sucked in his breath as he saw blood running down her legs. "Grace, what happened? Where is the baby?"

Grace was in front of him before he could even blink. Up close, he couldn't smell her, the scent of blossom no longer linger on her body.

All he smelled was the stench of death. "You betrayed me," she hissed.

"I," he cursed. "It's not my fault, that woman Lani did it. It's her fault."

"Andre!" Shit of all the time, Lucy had to come out. "Oh, crap."

"Yeah," Andre groaned.

"You," Grace stepped forward but stopped and looked around as if listening to someone. "Sleep." She was gone. Just like before. He looked around and saw her taking the hand of a woman.

"Lani," Lucy growled. "Leave her alone!"

Lani looked over and kissed Grace's head. "It's over, she belongs to me," Lani disappeared with Grace.

Pain tore through him. "Damn it!" He shouted to the sky at the agonizing pain in his chest as Grace was ripped from his grasp again his body began to crack and twist until he took the form of the lycan, and all he could see was red. Red. Blood. "She belongs to me!"

"Stop!" Lucy blocked his path. "If you go rushing in like this, you'll only get yourself killed or worse, you'll become Lani's pet! I get it, I'm, as angry as you are for what happened. I'm glad Gene woke up on time to stop us from going any further than kissing."

It's true, Gene had used all his strength to wake up and separate them from going further. "I failed her! I failed as a man. As the man that was supposed to protect her, just like Her."

"Who?" He asked.

"I been thinking a lot about the woman you married," she said. "While we were under a spell, we were connected, and I was able to penetrate your walls and look deeper into your memories. What I saw was not the woman you thought, it was Grace."

"Grace?" He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That is why you felt connected to that woman," she said. "Why you were able to love her because it was Grace. Well, it wasn't fully her, only half. After all these years, I finally understand everything, Andre. Grace isn't a wolf, nor a lycan. She's Death. She is only born when the earth is crying out for help. When the earth feels threaten by the darkness, she comes. She comes in many forms, but her true body stays in one place. She splits herself, leaving only the human body behind; that is why no one noticed who she was, the moment Grace was born, she scatters different living lives. You encounter one, that vampire was Grace. She may have looked different, but that was her. As I said, she can take many forms. Take whatever power she wants. Grace is the Princess of Darkness, but this time she came to soon. I never thought Lani would force her out like this. And now, things are complicated."

Andre felt the tension in his body reside as he shifted back to human.

Gene walked over with a tormented expression. "Lani found the Prince, got them together, and not they had a son. If the ceremony is completed, Grace won't be he Princess anymore, she will ascend as the Queen of Darkness."

"Shit," Lucy tensed panic in her eyes. "The Prince and Princess of Darkness are never together, ever, they are always born apart. This is not good."

"It means," Gene gulped. "That Lani sealed had always been weak, and she fed the earth darkness. She has been manipulating everyone around her."

"Damn it!" Rage tore through Andre, the anger boiling to its limit. All this time, Grace has been doing Lani bidding. "We need to stop them, I will not let Grace be someone's puppet."

"No," Lucy said. "It's the opposite, Lani will be the puppet. Lani doesn't know what she's dealing with, she's so stupid. She thinks she can control Grace."

'Find my mother, you piece of shit!' Andre tensed at the aggression of the male voice. 'I swear if my mother turns into a that fucking Queen. I'm going to fucking kill you, you bastard. You were supposed to protect her! She's your soulmate! Find her now!'

"Ah," he held his head. "Get out of my head you stupid brat, I swear when I see you I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

'I'm a baby,' he laughed. 'At the moment, I mean, you can't hurt me, fucker.'

"Who are you talking too?" Lucy asked.

"Grace's son," he said. "He's been in my head for a while now. I really don't like his attitude."

'I got it from you,' he said. 'Congrats, father, you and I are the same.'

"Fuck off," he grunts. "You just wait, I'm going to discipline you to respect your elders."

'Good luck,' he said.

"We need a plan," Lucy said. "We don't have much time if you love Grace, then you will become her pet."

"What?" Andre frowned.

"Let her be your Queen," Lucy said. "Let her boss you around, I know you don't like that, but you'll be close to her."

"I'm not about to be boss around!" He growled. "I'm not someone's pet; I won't wear a damn collar!"

"Do it for her," Lucy whisper.

Andre went rigid. The thought of becoming someone's pet unable to make his own decisions, it didn't sit well with him. But he will go along with it, to save the woman he loves. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Go," Lucy said. "Lani will accept the gift, good luck."

Andre nodded. "See you soon, I hope." He sprinted away, running through the streets. He didn't know where Lani lair was, but he felt Grace. He followed the stench of death.


Lani held Grace's hand. "Easy darling," she helped her undress. "Your Prince, he awaits you, my dear, go into the water; it'll heal you. You'll be asleep next to him for a while."

"My baby," the mere whisper made Lani shiver. Grace's voice echoes throughout the walls of the temple, bouncing around until reaching her ears.

"I'll get him, I promise," she smiled. "Now in you go, sleep." She helped Grace into the pit of black waters. "Sleep well."

Grace turned around and lay back the water consumed her, submerging deeper into the blanket pit until there was no skin uncover. Smiling, Lani stepped down and glided across the room.

"Open the doors," Lani ordered. "Grace's gift is outside."

The large wooden doors opened, and Andre stood there rage in his eyes. "Where is she?!" He stepped in.

"Sleeping," she said. "Andre," she dangles a collar from her fingers. "It's time for you to accept your destiny. Be part of Grace collection. Stand by her as she destroys everything. And watch as we rebuild, a new era with no freedom, no light. Total darkness. Like it should be."

Lani could see the torment in his eyes, but at last, he fell to his knees. "You win."

Smiling, she fastens the collar around his neck, trailing her index finger along the delicate vein pulsing from rage. "Lock him up, we'll summon him when Grace awakes."

A chain materialized from the collar. Andre was dragged away as he shifted into the lycan he's mean to be.

Lani breathed in. "Finally, I win."

She laughed as the doors close behind.






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