5: Larry/Blaise

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"AH!" Kiki screamed.

"What?" Grace stood and looked around.

"I have grown ears and a tail!" Kiki stood in the middle of the room.

"Oh," Bethy came into the room with a trait; she closed the door and set the food on the table. "Wow, we should get started on adjusting my mother's necklace to keep the baby's powers in check, they seem to be getting strong, and your stomach too."

"My stomach?" Grace looked down. "Oh my god."

"Wow," Kiki changed back. "That is not normal?"

Bethy checked her stomach. "Wow, it's like your already six months; it seems as if the lycan or wolf inside you is speeding it up twice the time that it takes."

"What do we do?" Grace rubs her belly.

"We need to move out of this area and settle down in a secure place," Bethy said. "And I know a place, and we need to move out today, I'll go get us a wagon or something."

"I'll get us ready," Kiki said.

Grace sat on the bed and looked down. "I don't understand anything, who was my husband because I know damn well it's not me with the magic."

"Only Lucy knows," Bethy said. "It seems Lucy knew your husband; we'll get that resolved later on; for now, we need to survive, okay?"

"Okay," she sighed.

Bethy left the room, and Kiki drank the tea. "Come and eat; you need to energy."

"I'm not hungry," she stood. "But, I have to eat for the baby."

It was later in the morning when they left the town, Bethy had gotten a wagon and said not to ask how she obtained it.

"Kiki is young," she said. "At what age did Dolores have her? And from my understanding, some witches don't age, yet Dolores is aging?"

"Punishment," Bethy looked at Kiki sleeping in the back. "Dolores did a lot of stupid things, and for that, she lost her immortality. She assumed she would have all the time in the world to have a child, but Dolores got punish and had a child, Kiki is twenty younger than Lucy."

"Wow," she sighed.

"I'm curious as to what's your husband's name?" Bethy asked.

"Larry," she smiled. "At least that's the name Mr. Bake gave him; you see he found Larry severely wounded near the lake. Mr. Bake took him in and nourished him back to health. Larry doesn't remember anything, so Mr. Bake named him Larry, for now. That's where I met him at the bakery, and we started to talk. And we fell for each other, he asked my father for my hand, and we got married. Those years were nice, and now I'm pregnant."

"I see," Bethy frowned.

"What?" She looked at her.

"Well," Bethy sighed. "Even though I was in the run, I always kept watching over my daughter, Lucy. I never abandoned her; I left my Cat behind; he kept me updated on all her accomplishments. And there was a time when Lucy met a man who was a Warlock."

"I get the feeling you all didn't get along," she said.

"Okay," Bethy kept her eyes on the road. "A long time ago, there was a rule; we couldn't marry Warlocks, Sococeros, Enchantress, Wizards; basically, we could only marry Witches. Because they believed mixing our blood and magic could cause problems. But that tradition died out when my mother married a Wizard and had us. My grandmother was so furious that she wanted to kill Lani when she was born. But my mother convinced everyone that it was okay, and so they voted on removing that law, and here we are. And then I was born, then Cat, things were going well, but Dolores never approved of the new era. Lucy met the young Warlock and fell in love, from what I know they were going to get married, but Dolores had the young man killed. Lucy went on a rampage; it's the first time the demon got lose and almost destroyed everything. My mother was able to calm Lucy, and Dolores got punished for her crimes."

"That's sad," Grace looked down. "I have the feeling there wasn't a body to bury."

"No," Bethy sighed. "Dolores never disclose what she did to him or where the body is, all we know is that there was a lot of blood in Dolores basement. Even now, no one is unable to make Dolores talk."

"Hmm," Grace looked at Bethy. "You don't think my husband was the Warlock? Because Lucy said that my child felt familiar."

Bethy shrugged. "I don't know, but the Warlock name was Blaise."

"Blaise," she frowned. "Funny, Larry always talked about how he wanted to name our first child Blaise. You know, I'm starting to think they are the same person if they were than what happened to his powers?"

"Hmm," Bethy tsk. "How badly was your husband when Mr. Bake found him?"

She thought about it. "Mr. Bake told me that Larry shouldn't have survived, most of his bones got broken, and he had a concussion."

"I see," Bethy shook her head. "Amnesia, if Blaise received a strong hit on the head, it could've had caused him to forget everything, including that his a Warlock, heck it could've had locked his powers."

"Can that happened?" She asked.

"Yup," Bethy said. "It has happened a few times, but we always get our powers back, but I wonder why Blaise never remembered. Either way, I think Larry and Blaise were the same men."

"I feel bad," she said. "I married Lucy's fiance."

"It's not your fault," Bethy said. "It's Dolores's fault."

Grace looked up at the sky; she wonders if Lucy knows.


Andre read through some books. "Wow, you don't hold back, how to tame a Lycan?"

"Give me that," Lucy grabbed the book. "These are books that are no longer in use like I said things changed when my grandmother took over."

"You keep on wanting to call her mother," he frowned. "Why?"

"She raised me," Lucy said. "My grandmother raised me after my mother abandoned me. So I feel a special bond with my grandma."

"Ah," he looked around. "What are we looking for exactly?"

"Ingredients," she said. "I want to make a potion that'll wipe out scents for a few hours; it'll give us a chance to figure out what Lani is doing, and then we can escape."

"Alright," he searched the basement. "Ah," he winced and held his head. "Hmm, another headache."

"And your shifting," she said. "What happened to you?"

"I don't know," he said. "You tell me?"

"From what Grace told me," she grabbed a crate. "You lost someone that you loved, killed by one of my mother's men, and that you lost control now I'm starting to get the feeling that something else happened. Something else drove you into madness; perhaps you lost more than the woman you loved."

"Hmm," he sat down. "Probably, so you telling me what happened won't help?"

"Nope," she said. "But telling you can trigger something, Grace was able to get information from others about how you watched as a group of men murders your woman, and you couldn't do anything about it because they had you tied with heavy chains. And then you lost control, you changed and became the Lycan, you then went on a rampage unable to go back to human, and it took a lot to trap you."

"Hmm," he sighed. "I think I remember seeing someone died, but it's too foggy."

"Don't force it," she said. "Now, keep looking before the spell that used to cover our tracks wear off, and that won't be good."

He nodded and kept looking.

What happened that day?






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