26: Luciana and Kiki's Secret

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"Okay," Graced opened the doors to where Luciana slept.

"I don't get it," Lani crossed her arms and stepped in. "How are you, Grace? And the evil one?"

"I don't know," Grace rubbed her arms. "All I know is that now that I'm accepting myself, I'm me. My old and new memories are merging; there are still many blank spots, but I hope those will be filled in soon. Anyways, Lani, you put your mother in here how do we get her back?"

"Mother," Lucy placed her hands on the coffin. "I can't believe she's alive, Lani I knew you had a soft heart."

"Shut up," Lani looked away.

"Oh um, here," Grace handed Lani a necklace. "Your demon is stubborn as you."

Lani took the necklace. "I'll straighten him out since I'm good now."

"And Genesis?" Lucy asked.

"Well," Grace smiled. "He's with Connor and Kiki, he demands to stay near them, but he's alright."

Lucy sighed. "Okay, so Lani, wake mom up."

"I can't," Lani fiddle with her thumbs. "In a way, I used Dolores for this."

"Damn it!" Lucy sat on the steps. "Really?"

"Only ancient magic can do the trick," Lani said. "Look, and that won't be possible, Dolores and mom are the only ones that can use it, the rest of the elders but they are dead. Now that I think about it, I didn't kill them. Wow, my thoughts are fuzzy."

"So it's true," Lucy frowned. "You and everyone else involved where mere puppets for Dolores to use, but you saved mom, I don't know Dolores had control over that."

Lani laughed. "Dolores plans are slowly starting to unravel. She expected my mother to die. And she was not counting on Andre being here, keeping Grace from fully falling into the darkness. And than Ciana was born, that was the biggest surprise. Ciana was born not because god sends her to save Grace, but for the Love between Grace and Andre." Lani had this giggly smiled. "Love is what keeps getting in the way of Dolores plans. You can't take Love away from us. It's an emotion stronger to break free or our chains. It's what made me save my mother."

"Our mother," Lucy said. "Than again I attached myself to Bethy, I guess she's my biological mother."

"You have a complicated family," Grace said.

"Thanks," Lani said. "Anyways, to wake mother, we need someone to use ancient magic, it's the only way. And if we had the book, then we could learn it, but it would've had cost us our lives."

"Bethy," Lucy frowned. "Why didn't I think about it before, Bethy can learn it."

"Eh?" Lani laughed. "Impossible, I'm sure Bethy would rather bathe in blood than give up her life."

"Hmm," Lucy sighed. "I guess so, but she did help us before, I'm sure Bethy would do anything to save her son, to give him a future."

Grace felt a tinge of pain. "A mother will do anything to protect their children, I know some mothers don't care about their children, but those that do, they will rise from hell just to make them smile."

"So passionate," Lani smiled. "Okay, I'll place my life upon Bethy hands. If she has changed, I'll give her a chance to prove it."

Grace sat on the steps beside Lucy. "Um, I'm sorry for what Blaise did to you two."

"Nothing I couldn't handle," Lani said. "I don't know about Lucy thought I mean, Blaise did, you know." Lani made a gesture with her hands. "Worse way to experience sex."

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