31: Unexpected Guests

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Bethy looked up at the stars. "Hmm, hey," she picked up the cat and stroke his ears. "It's almost done." She kissed his head. "Thanks for supporting me, but I'm sure your time is almost up too. Now that my mother is dead, you will die too."

The cat purr and rub against her cheek.

"You have been a great companion," she gazes at the stars. "Perhaps I'll become a star; it's better than going to hell, right? As a star, I can watch over those I love."

"Talking to a cat now?"

Bethy jumped almost dropping the cat, she set him down and turn. "You scare me."

"Sorry," David joined her. "How are you feeling?"

"Like the life is being sucked out of me," she said. "Oh, wait, it is."

David grimaced. "If that is your attempt at a joke, it's not funny."

She shrugged.

David grabbed her hand. "Why?" He glared. "Why don't you care about your life? Why just give it up like that?"

She took her hand back. "I have done back things, David, have you not forgotten?" David has gotten to clingy. "This is my punishment, and there is nothing anyone can do to change my mind." She looked at him. "The damage to my body is unreversible." Bethy wanted to cry but held her tears. "I'm dying, and I would like to go in peace." Even though that isn't going to happen, every surface she makes is agonizing. "Please, David, let's not talk about it anymore."

"Okay," he pulled her to him and kissed her head.

Bethy did feel a slight pull to him, but it's not stronger anymore, it's getting weaker. "You'll find someone new, I heard second chances are the best."

"Hmm," he didn't say anything.

The stood like that for a long time, before she started to cough, ruining the moment. She covers her mouth felt warm. "Oh," her hand is stained with blood.

"Damn it," David picked her up and carried her inside. He laid her in the makeshift bed. He moved around the room, making the special tea she takes to calm her couches. David learned the recipe very quickly. "Here," he handed her the wooden cup. "Drink.

"Thank," she wiped the blood from her lips and took a sip. Her heart slows down. "I never ask, but what powers did you gain?"

"Hmm," he sat beside her and stroke her hair. "I can use green flames, I haven't mastered to control them, but I'm learning, I'm immune to silver, surprise you actually succeeded."

"Oh," she shook her head.

He smiled. "It has helped us since there is silver all around us. I can do spells, everything is witchery."

"And the others?" She yawned.

"The same," he said. "But different color flames, same immunity, but different ways of using witch powers. One of my brothers doesn't even need to use the books."

"Oh," she set the cup down and laid down. "At least I helped you become immune to silver, now your enemies won't be able to use it against you. If I can figure out what I used, we can use it on the rest of the wolfs so that their descendants don't have to suffer." She closed her eyes. "You know something," she mumbles the tea always makes her feel funny. "The spell is already working," she smiled.


"It's working," she whispers. "It's why I left without saying anything to the others because I didn't want them to see me fall apart. The eclipse is just an excuse," she snuggles the pillow. "Once the last step is done, my body and what remains of my soul will be torn apart, it'll be painful."

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