21: Failure

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Kiki sat in the chair, watching Andre sleep. She couldn't believe what Blaise did to him, scooping out his eyes. It pains her to see Andre like this. Her heartache and is breaking.

'Don't think that,' Connor said. 'I promise I'll find a way to end all of this, I cannot stand to see you sad. Your heart is starting to lose the light. I will not allow you to be consumed by darkness, I won't!'

"I may as well let it consume me," she reached over and moved strands of hair away from Andre's face. "Andre didn't deserve this, all he did was save your sister from becoming evil."

'I know,' Connor sighed. 'My mother must be stopped.'

She nodded. "Good luck."

She sat there, wiping the sweat off Andre's forehead. Grace had put her in charge of taking care of Andre while she went out to conquer the shapeshifters.

And that was hours ago.

"Ahem," Kiki looked back and saw her mother enter the room.

"Go away," Kiki glared. "You're not allowed in here."

"I came to check on you," she smiled.

"I'm fine, now leave," she glared. "You're not welcome here, Dolores."

"Oh," she chuckled. "So, we're going by names now?"

Kiki held on to Connor. "You expect me to call you mother after everything that has happened. All of this is your fault, Dolores. And when your punishment arrives, I won't cry. I won't shed a tear for you, mother."

"I see," she walked over to Andre and reached over. But an invisible forced stopped her. "Hmm." Dolores looked at Connor. "I see the boy's power are getting stronger."

Kiki held him away from her. "Don't you dare, leave Connor alone. I won't let you taint him with your bloody hands."

'She can't,' Connor said. 'I wish mother would let me kill this woman. I don't think mother has forgotten what she did to Ciana. If I remind her then, Dolores will be punished, but I don't want you to be sad anymore.'

'She's not my mother anymore,' Kiki glared. 'This woman is the reason why everyone is in so much pain. I want her to suffer as I and everyone else has.'

'Very well,' Connor said. 'I'll remind my mother.'

Just then, the doors opened, and Blaise walked in an injured Grace. "Those damn vampires!"

"Oh, no!" Kiki stood. "What happened?"

"The vampires," Blaise said. "They were waiting for us; it seems we have a traitor, and what is this woman doing here!"

"I don't know," Kiki held Connor and moved some of the pillows from the couch. "I told Dolores to move, but she isn't obeying me."

"Leave!" Grace yelled. "And don't think I have forgotten what you did to Ciana. I'm starting to think that what Andre did was good for my daughter, she wouldn't be safe here with you! Get out!"

Dolores left the room, two guards follow after her, probably to make sure she doesn't escape.

Kiki set Connor on the floor. "Stay, while I help your mother."

"Your good Kiki," Grace smiled. "You won't betray me, right?"

"No," Kiki smiled. It's not a lie, she won't betray Grace. She has hope that being close to Grace and being kind can warm her heart. "I will never betray you, I promise. Now let's tend to your wounds though it seems they are already healing."

"How's Andre?" She asked. "Has the fever gone down?"

"A bit," Kiki sighed. "I changed his bandages already, Andre is strong my lady, I'm sure he'll pull through."

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