2: Tremor

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Grace looked at Andre sleeping; during the night, he had shifted. Smiling, she kissed his nose and got out of bed.

Grace looked out the window, it was foggy, and she could barely see her surroundings. Shrugging, she got ready for the day; this time, Lucy was up early.

"Goodmorning?" She frowned. "Lucy, is everything alright?"

"Hmm," Lucy kept staring out the window. "I don't know; I have this uneasy feeling, this fog, it's not normal."

"Don't you get fogs?" She asked.

"We do," Lucy said. "But not like this, it's usually a thin layer, but this is unnatural."

"I see," she looked out. "It's a bit freaky."

"Yes," Lucy sighed. "Grace, I must tell you something important."

"What is it?" She serves herself some tea.

"I have another aunt," Lucy said.

"You do?" She blew on her tea.

"Yes," Lucy sat down. "My aunt Lani, she was a danger to everyone, always wanting power, just like my mother, but Lani went to the extremes, always taking people off the streets and killing them, taking their organs out and eating them. She killed so many of us that by the time anyone found out it was her, it was too late, Lani had obtained so, much power and she was no longer a Witch but a monster. It took a lot to stop her and lock her up."

"Why didn't they kill her?" Grace asked.

"My grandma couldn't do it," Lucy said. "Lani is her firstborn; it's hard for a mother to take their children's life. So Lani is locked up with strong magic, though I fear it has weakened over the years, and someday she'll rise again. If that happens while you're here, promise me that you'll do as I say and always stay close to me."

"I promise," Grace said. "I'm sure nothing is going to happen."

The ground began on shake, and Andre was by her side.

"No," Lucy held on to the table.

"I jinx it," Grace held on to Andre.

Lucy cursed.

The shaking lasted for a while minute; when it stopped, they went out; some of Lucy's neighbors were outside wondering what happen.

"Lucy!" A young woman ran over. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, Kiki," Lucy looked around.

"It's scary," Kiki said. "We never have quakes like this: why now?" She gasps. "You don't think it's Her, do you? I have heard the seals have weakened drastically."

"I need to go and see," Lucy said. "Kiki, please watch over my guest, Grace, go back inside, and to the basement, it's the safest place at the moment."

"Come on," Kiki smiled.

Grace went back inside, Kiki following inside. "Andre, come on, we need to go downstairs."

Andre was on alert and nudged her toward the basement door.

Kiki stuck around and placed some markings on the doors and windows.

"What are those for?" Grace asked.

"Protection," Kiki drew one on the basement door. "There, even though it's not needed since Lucy has this place rigged with spells, but adding more wouldn't hurt. I hope it's nothing bad."

"How do you know Lucy?" Grace sat on the cushions with Andre.

"Were in a way, aunt and niece," Kiki said. "My mother, undoubtedly, is Dolores."

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