18: Conquering Grace

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Grace laid in bed, feeling odd and wholly lost. Nothing makes sense anymore, it feels like there's a battle in her head. And no one seems to win.

That older man, what is he to her? What's the relationship?

She curled up in a fetal position and held her head. "Ah!" She sat up and looked around. "Andre?"

"Here," Andre crawled over and nuzzle her side. "What is wrong?"

"Andre?" She cupped his face and looked into his eyes. "Andre, why are you in this form? Change back."

"I can't," he said. "You stole my heart."

"I what?" She was so confused. "I don't understand Andre, what is going on? What is happening to me?" She panicked and stood. "I can't seem to remember anything, I'm so confused and lost."

Andre stood on his hind legs, sniffing her. "Blossoms, Grace, your back?"

"Back?" She walked up to the mirror and gasp. "Oh, what am I wearing?" She looked down at herself, at the revealing black lacy dress. Her breasts were pushed up. "What is this?! My breasts are close to coming out of this, this dress."

"You don't remember?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I-," she wrapped her arms around herself. "I don't remember anything, I only know that I was at Bethy's house and then a voice came into my head. It was Lani, she told me you and Lucy had sex, and I felt so much rage, I couldn't control it. And then, then, nothing. Wait, my baby! Where is my baby?!"

"Connor is with Kiki," Andre pulled her against him. His paw cradling her head, careful to avoid scratching her with his claws. "I never had sex with Lucy, Genesis manages to separate us. Lani resurrected you with Blaise, you have been going as the Queen of Darkness, you locked everyone inside the Witch Town, and have been training the children to learn the darkest of magic. You have Lani and Lucy locked up in the basement, allowing Blaise to torture them and find their weaknesses. I don't know what you and his plan to do with them, but it won't be good."

She covered her face. "I don't remember anything, but I can tell that what you said is true. You need to kill me, Andre."

"No!" He gripped her arms tightly, his claws digging into her skin, piercing it the delicate flesh. Trickles of blood ran down her arms. "Your pregnant, Grace, again, with our child."

Her eyes widen. "What? How? I don't remember ever sleeping with you."

He growled. "Sometimes, you force me to change into my human form, and we have sex."

"I'm sorry," tears gather in her eyes, blurring her vision. "Why is this happening to me? I don't want to do it anymore, Andre."

"I won't kill you," he growled. "Even if I wanted too, I can't, it's like a spell you placed upon me. And also, you have my heart, like it's inside you."

She placed her hand on her chest and felt two thuds at the same time. "Oh," tears roll down her face. "Why me?"

"It's okay," he nuzzles her hair. "I will find a way to set you free."

She wrapped her arms around him, holding for dear life. "I feel dizzy, it's like something is trying to take over my mind. Andre, I'm so scared. Please don't let it take me." She trembles in fear.

Fear of getting going into the darkness.

"I'm here, Grace," he tightens his grip. "I'll always be here, my love."

Grace tried to hold onto the love he offered, but the darkness won.


Andre senses the change the moment Grace closed her eyes. He laid her on the bed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I promise I'll find a way to save you."

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