36: Final Moments?

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Grace fell backward as two of Dolores's men held her down.

"Your weak, Grace," Dolores smiled. "No matter what kind of magic or spells Bethy used on you to help you, it won't work. I will win." She pressed the tip of her staff against her chest. "Now, let's change that heart back to the blackness that you shouldn't have left."

"No!" Kiki ran over and knocked her mother down. Dolores fell back, landing roughly against her side, she couldn't get up quickly since she's missing an arm. Kiki grabbed the staff and pointed it, Dolores. "I'll buy you time, Grace, but she's already taking me."

Grace could see Kiki losing color, her skin turning grey, her lips blue. "I thought you left with Connor?"

"I couldn't go," she smiled. "I couldn't let you go through this alone, she's my mother, I feel a bit responsible for what's happening."

"You did nothing wrong," Grace stood. "I'll find a way to help you."

Kiki shook her head "No, but I figure out a way to stop me from becoming my mother's puppet, burn my real body. As for Blaise, you need to stab his heart."

"Andre is handling Blaise," Grace said. "I'll let him know."

Dolores laughter. "So pitiful, you will never find your body, and Blaise won't be stopped. I'll make sure your mutt ends up my dog!" Dolores threw something on the floor, and it burst, filling the room with some dust that stings their eyes.

"AH!" Kiki fell, holding her arm, which now had a missing hand.

"No one can stop me!"

Grace heard a growl and turned back to see Andre in chains. Blaise looked ill, his body trembling, fighting for control. She glances at Dolores. "Let him go!"

"Oh, no," Dolores smiled. "It'll be bad for Andre to run wild, he's overly aggressive. I guess losing his beloved vampire really triggered his inner beast, huh?"

"You bitch!" Grace felt herself start to reverse back to the darkness. "You split me?"

"It was the only way to keep your balance and from losing yourself," Dolores walked over to Andre. "I split you into many forms, animals, humans, vampire, wolf, werewolves, Lycan, and so many more. And I began to kill them off to awaken you. The water in which you rested for a while has blood. You soaked in all your split personalities."

"Don't listen to her!" Andre growled. "Grace, the bitch is trying to change you back, don't let all that progress go to waste!"

"Oh, be quiet," Dolores grinned. "Unless you want me to muzzle you, I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"I will not," Andre glared. "Even if you muzzle me, I won't shut up, you fucking old hag!"

Dolores strikes him across the face with a whip. "I suppose it's time to teach you who's boss."

"Leve him, alone!" Grace felt her whole body burn from within.



'You can win, don't let Dolores mess with your mind,' she sounded so weak. 'Fully embrace your new powers, you can't let anger consumed you if you do than the magic within you will turn against you.'

Grace took a deep breath and exhale. "Okay," she whisper.

She felt a tingly sensation spread through her arm; the next thing she knew, a sword came out of her hand.

"No!" Dolores yelled. "Get her!"

She didn't understand why Dolores looked angrier than before, but it has something to do with this sword.

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