25: Year Three

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Grace huff and looked down at Connor, who looked up with innocent eyes. "Come on, what did you do this time?"

"Nothing mama," Connor had learned to speak, but he still used his telepathy.

"I know you did something," she placed her hands on her hips. "You never look at me like that unless you did something, so tell me."

Connor smiled. "I caught Lani and Lucy again, and I have them locked up in the basement. I'm sorry, but I like playing with them, their fun."

She rubbed her temple. "Okay, Connor, they are meant to stay outside the barrier, you know they want to hurt us."

"But mama," Connor pouts.

"Connor!" Kiki skidded to a stop and sighed. "Here you are, why do you always rin from me? Oh no, what did he do this time?"

"Recaptured Lucy and Lani," Grace sighed. "Kiki, Connor is on timeout, again."

"Yes," Kiki picked Connor up and carried him away.

Grace smiled and went to her bedroom, Andre was walking around, he had memorized every corner of the room. "Hey."

"Hey," he stopped and held his hand out. Smiling, Grace walked up to him and took his head. "How's your body?"

"Better," she said.

Last year she had to endure her skin falling off, and now it's her hair and eyes that are starting to change; she had agreed to take back control of herself. And because of it, she knows who she is, Grace Kenzie, her old memories are merging with her new ones. And she's finally feeling things, emotions that were blocked. But there are times when the darkness tends to spill out and invades her mind clogging her happy thoughts.

"I wish I could see your hair," he grabbed a handful of her hair and sniffed. "I can smell it, the blossoms."

She grazes her lips against his. "I'll find a way to give you your sight back, I promise you will see, again."

He pulled her close and slams his mouth against her. His kisses are aggressive, and she loves it. Sometimes she allows Andre to take control of the situation.

"Ahem," Blaise knocked. "We have a problem."

Grace sighed. "What problem?"

"One of the towns, the barrier is down," he said.

"What?" There it is, the darkness beginning to consume her. It doesn't matter how hard she fights it, it always takes control. And she knows she's not letting it because she wants too it's Dolores grasp. "Okay," she clung to Andre and took deep breathes. "Assemble everyone, I think I know who did it."

"Dolores?" Blaise said.

"Yes," Grace felt so much rage towards that woman. "She's trying to get me to lose myself, but I'm stronger than she thinks."

"Okay," Blaise left the room.

"Blaise smells different than before," Andre said. "Is he ill?"

Grace didn't want to talk about it, but she has too. "Since Dolores is no longer near and is losing control of us, Blaise is retracting back to himself, a rotten corpse. Soon he'll be nothing but an empty shell."

"That sucks," Andre sighed. "I wish I could do something, I know Blaise isn't a bad person, he's was just brought back like that. I never thought Dolores could do such an evil thing and all to become something she's never going to gain."

"The Great Witch," she whispers. "The Gret Witch!" She stepped backed and smacked Andre's chest playfully. "I forgot about the Great Witch, she's still alive."

"Who?" Andre frowned.

"Bethy's mother," she said. "Lani managed to heal her and placed her in a state of sleep. She's safely sleeping inside a glass coffin we can wake her up. Luciana can help us stop her sister."

"I thought she was dead," Andre rub his eyes.

"Are you in pain again?" She kissed his bandaged eyes.

"A little," he smiled. "I don't know, but recently they been hurting, more like throbbing."

"I'll make something to stop the pain," she ran her hands through his soft wavy hair. "You need a hair cut, it's gotten longer."

He placed his hand on her waist. "Whatever makes you happy."

She thought about it. "I like it long," she kissed Andre's nose. "I want to stay here with you, but I have things to do."

"I'm not going anywhere," he said.

Grace felt a tinge of pain in her chest, but she ignores it. No one will separate her from Andre.

She stood by the door and looked back at Andre.

They'll be together forever.


Bethy watched Cassius sleep, she removed her necklace with the locket. "So that you'll always remember me." She hung it above the basinet and kissed his cheek. "Know that mommy will always love you."

She stepped away and made her way out of the room. It was time to act; everyone was asleep; she had to force them to sleep with the tea.

She slipped her hood on and grabbed the leather bag with the book and some ingredients. As she was near the town's exit, Rosemary appeared blocking her path.

"Why are you leaving us?" She asked. "Are you going to betray us and run away?"

"No," Bethy sighed. "You shouldn't be here, Rose, go back to bed."

"Than why are you leaving?" She asked again.

"It's too painful," Bethy closed her eyes. "I don't want them to see what I'll become once the spell is cast upon me. I'll be in agonizing pain, and I don't want them to help me when that happens. I need to do this alone, so go back to bed Rose."

"Your lying," Rose tried to get into her head. "You blocking the important stuff, how?"

"Ancient magic," she said. "Look, tell them I betrayed them or something else. I don't want them to know the truth, and you won't know either. So please, just go back."

Rose stepped away. "You're abandoning Cassius again."

"I know," Bethy bit her bottom lip, trying to keep herself from breaking. "I love my son so much, but Kristy will be a good mother too him. I gave birth to him, but I'm no mother." She felt tears roll down her cheeks, her vision became blurry. "Kristy is hus mother now!"

She ran

This is for the best.

She made her way to the Witch town; there is a way to help Grace. But this could change her forever thought it'll give Grace a chance to take back her life.

She looked up at the sky, she'll have to enjoy every little thing before she dies. Smiling, Bethy closed her eyes and felt a nudge against her leg. She looked down at her mother's pet. "Hey, are you going to accompany me?"

The cat purred.

"Okay," she sighed. "Let's go, then the way to the Witch Town is a long on, and also, we need to be careful of Dolores."

The cat hissed at the mention of Dolores.

Bethy smirk. "Yeah, I don't like her either."

She took a deep breath and took one last look at the town. "Goodbye, Cassius."






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