3: Escape

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"Andre calms down," Grace rubs his sides. "Lucy, what is she doing here?"

"My grandma is dead," Lucy said.

"Possibly," Bethy said. "Can you remove this? I won't escape, I promise, I don't want to get mauled by your husband."

"Okay," Lucy removed the cuffs.

Bethy rubs her wrists and looked around. "We should start planning our escape before we're trapped. I never thought my sister would awake.  But I don't get it, how us it possible for Lani to remove the seals? I'm positive my mother kept up with them patching them over the years."

"Than someone removed them," Lucy said. "But who would want to set the most dangerous woman free to do as she pleases on our town?"

"Whoever did it, has evil plans," Kiki peeled an orange and fed it to Andre.

"Kiki, his not a dog," Lucy said.

"Sorry," Kiki smiled. "I can hear Andres's thoughts; he wanted one."

Andre shifted back. "I didn't want orange, and you can't read my mind."

"But I heard you," Kiki said. "Wait, your right, it's not Andre."

"What?" Grace frowned.

"It's coming from you," Kiki said. "Grace, you never told us your baby has Warlock blood."

"Pardon?" Grace chuckled. "My husband was human, not a Warlock."

"Impossible," Lucy walked over and placed her hand on her belly. "No."

"What?" Grace frowned. "Come on, Kiki, Lucy, tell me?"

"Your unborn child," Kiki smiled. "Is a full Warlock, but Lucy, why are you upset?"

"Your husband, who was he?" Lucy asked.

"Not to interrupt your conversation," Bethy said. "But we need to get out, Lani is starting the ritual to lock us in town."

"Right, " Lucy stepped back. "We should go, and Andre get some close, Kiki is underage."

"Sorry," Andre slipped on the clothes.

Grace wonders what Lucy knew about her husband. 

"My mother," Kiki said. "I need to find my mother and get her to come with us."

"Kiki," Lucy said. "I want to save your mother, but I'm positive she won't come with us, she will be thrilled with Lani."

Kiki sighed. "I can't believe this, but I agree with you, your right, my mother, will most likely ally herself with Lani."

"So, what's the plan?" Grace asked. 

"Done," Bethy said. "I can't use all my magic, the council took half of it and left me with the basics. Lucy, I already drew the symbols."

"Alright," Lucy walked over to the drawn symbols on the wall. "Bethy, give me mom's necklace, it'll protect Grace since she's pregnant."

Grace thought Bethy would retaliate, but she didn't. "Keep it safe," Bethy placed it around her neck.

"I won't," Grace said. "But why the necklace?"

"It'll protect you and baby," Bethy said. "Since your baby is a Warlock, it's important to our world."

The ground shook. "We better hurry," Kiki said. 

Lucy cut her hand and placed it on the wall, and shimmering lights appeared, like a door. "In you go, we'll end up outside the town."

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