15: Reflection

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Grace laid near the big stone fireplace staring into the blazing fire. She leaned back against Andre. "I can sense your restlessness," she stroked his chest. "Do not worry, I won't kill Lucy; I still need her." Andre rubs his nose against her cheek. "I will never let anyone hurt you, Andre; you belong to me. Only me." She turned and kissed his nose.

Andre licked her cheek.

She placed her hand, again, his chest and forced him to change to human. "My love," she straddled him and kissed him. "Let loose." She gave him enough control but not too much.

Andre gasped his pupil, becoming smaller. "Grace."

"Yes, my love," she smiled. "Make love to me."

Andre obeyed and assaulted her mouth with ferocious kisses. It heated her body, wanting him to be inside her. But Andre does love to foreplay before invading her body. "Your mine," he growled against the hollow of her neck as he laid her down on the softest rug.

"That I am, my love," she traced the scar along his back, that Lani, how could she do this to him. "My love, no one will ever whip you." She ran her hands through his thick hair, loving the softness. He's scent intrigues her making her wet.

"You hurt me," he bit her shoulder. "You took my heart."

She smiled. "Your heart belongs to me, Andre. It will always be mine. No one can have it."

Andre ripped her gown, making her laugh. "Get angry, my love, but your heart will always belong to me."

She gasps as he spread her legs wide and plunged into her without warnings, like always. Then again she loves hot angry sex, it's the best.

She ran her hands along his muscular back, feeling every movement of his muscles. She dug her nails, drawing blood. "Ah, it feels good." She chuckles as he turned her over on her hands and knees. He took her from behind with such force. "Your really, rough today." She stared into the fire as he violated her body over and over to the point where he shifted. She didn't mind, beast or not, He was still a man.

Gripping the rug, she screamed out in pleasure as he filled her up, planting his seed deep in her womb. This time, she felt it, a new life sprouting from within. She's been wanting this to happen, now it's done.

Even though she was exhausted, Andre didn't stop his assaults. Then again, he's sexually frustrated and angry at her for keeping him under control.

Hours later, she on the bed with him. She loves the warmth radiating from him.

"Hmm," she sat up, rubbing her head. This headache, it's like someone is pinching her brain or sticking needles. "Stop," she stood. "Stop!" She hated this life. No. She didn't. What? She didn't know what was going on, it's like someone else was trying to get out. Someone she knows, but who? Who is this cheerful, bubbly girl? She looks like her, but brighter. "Argh! Stop it!"

She fell to her knees and looked at the mirror; behind her, the girl stood. "Who are you?"

"I'm you," she smiled. "I'm Grace, I'm the good part. The one that wants you to leave the darkness to come back to me. To Andre. Our family."

"I don't have a family but my own," Grace stood and turned, but the girl wasn't there. She glances over at the mirror, that's the only way to see her.

"But you do have more," she said. "Your parents, siblings, nephews, and so much more. Why don't you look deeper in that cold blackened heart of yours?"

"Get out of my head!" She growled.

"Someday, you'll change back," she said. "When that time comes, I'll be here waiting."

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