1: Temporary Andre

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Year One:

Grace woke up early in the morning to get breakfast ready. She first fed Andre, who was up and making loud noises to get her attention.

"I'm here," she smiled. "You can stop shouting and making all that ruckus, you'll wake Lucy up," she patted his head. "Here, some bread, eggs, sausages, fruits, and some milk."

Andre shook his head.

"I'm not feeding you raw meet," she huff. "You're going to learn to eat cook food, do you understand?"

He took the plate and sat down.

"Thank you," she giggled. "And you better eat it."

Andre made a weird sound.

"Did you just scoff at me?" She frowned. "Oh, I see, you don't like being boss around, do you? Well to bad, you're going to have to deal with me, since you can't take care of yourself at the moment. Now I'm heading back upstairs; I'll come back to check on you."

She went back upstairs, Lucy and Katherine were in the kitchen talking. "Good morning," Kat said. "How's Andre?"

"He's doing okay," she grabs two plates and set them on the table.

"That's good," Kat said.

"You didn't have to cook," Lucy said.

"I needed something to do," Grace said. "Plus, I need to keep my mind preoccupied."

"Alright," Lucy said. "Thank you."

"Anyways," Kat sat down. "Today, my mother and the rest of the council are going to gather to discuss Bethy's punishment."

"How bad could it be?" She asked.

Lucy sighed. "From external isolation, her home unable to leave, or death by burning on the stake by humans."

"But won't Bethy be able to use her powers?" She frowned.

"No," Kat said. "My mother will take them away, Bethy will be powerless and defenseless, she won't be able to escape. Then again, she has a son, that too comes into consideration, she could be spared death, and live isolated in her home."

"So, I guess it'll be a while before anything happens?" She heard a tap on the floor.

"Yup," Lucy chuckled. "I guess Andre wants you."

She stood and went downstairs. "Andre, are you finished?"

Andre growled and tackled her down. "G-Gra-Grace."

"Oh," she smiled. "You're starting to talk; I'm glad."

"Hey," Lucy, cough. "I'm going to town, want to come, sorry Andre you need to stay here, we'll bring you something."

"Sure," Grace looked at Andre, who was licking her neck. "Hmm."

"I think his horny," Lucy said.

"Oh no," she wiggled herself out from underneath him and stood. "Sorry, Andre, but we are not having sex in that form. So try to come out of it, and then we can do it." As she made her way to the steps, Lucy laughed.

"I think that got through him," Lucy said.

Grace turned back and saw Andre had turned to a human. "Oh, Andre"

"G-Grace," he coughed.

"Andre," she hugged him. "I'm so happy to see you."

"It may be temporary," Lucy said. "You did promise him sex, that could've had trigged his transformation."

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