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Andre got off the horse and looked around the small village. "Wow."

"Yeah," Lani got off. "It's so, full of humans, gross."

Andre shook his head. "Let's go." He held the horse reins and walked further into the village. It was filled with humans; they all looked at them.

"They don't seem welcoming to strangers," Lani whisper.

"Either way," he glared. "We must find Grace, I can sense her."

"Me too," Lani said. "Grace is definitely here, you know this village seems familiar."

An elderly woman walked up to them. "Are you here for the stone coffin?"

"Ah, yes," Andre said.

"Well, the smith and a few others are trying to break it," the woman said. "A week ago, a sword came out of it, but it seems stuck. So they are trying to open it, they think there's treasure inside."

Andre gripped the horse reins. "I doubt it, where are they?"

"In the cemetery," she said. "Everyone is taking turns, trying to open it."

"Thank you," he closes his eyes and sniff the air; Grace scent hit him, with a mixture of wet dirt and fear. "Lani, come on."


He followed the scent; by the time they got to the cemetery, the village men were using hammers to break the stone.

"It won't break," Lani whisper. "The stone coffin is designed to be unbreakable and to withstand harsh environments; no humans tools can chip it."

"We can't do anything with them around," he glared. "So, we'll come back tonight."

She nodded.

They went back to the village and got a room in an inn. Andre stood near the window, looking down at the people.

"I swear this place looks familiar," Lani said. "I feel like I have been here before." She bit her bottom lip. "Hmm, oh."

"What?" He looked at her.

"I remember now," she smiled. "This town, it was once my mother's favorite place, to come and escape her duties. She would come here and enjoy the company of humans, she would bring me along before I went crazy."

"I see," he frowned.

"She basically funded this place," she said. "But then a priest arrived an accused her of being a Witch; my mother had no choice but to leave."

He sighed. "Would Dolores know this place?"

"Probably," she said. "Grace is here."

So close.

They waited until everyone had gone to bed.

And snuck out of the inn and made their way to the cemetery.

Andre placed his hand on the coffin and felt relief. "She's in there, how do we get her out?"

"I'm going to try and use the Phase spell," she said. "Hopefully, I can help Grace use her powers since I know she's weak."

"Okay, what do I do?" He asked.

"Keep watch," she said.

"Okay," he ran a hand through his hair.

He kept watched while Lani did her magic.

"Grace is you can hear me, try and use your powers," Lani spoke. "I can't do this alone, this spell is meant to be used by powerful Witches." Lani's hand went through the stone. "Think about your children, they are waiting for you at home. And Andre is here, he's in control of his beast. Your father is waiting too, he's still holding on. Everyone is waiting for you to go home."

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