38: Where Is Grace?

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"Andre, calm down!" Anton stepped back. "Chain him!"

Alton and Anibal hurried over with the chains and shackle Andre. He didn't want to do this to his cousin, but it was for his own protection and others. He can't allow Andre to roam around freely, not like this.

"We are going to find Grace," he said. "So just, calm down, you need to let off whatever is keeping you like this. You can't help Grace in this form, plus your kids need you."

"Anton, David is here," Eliana said.

"Right," Anton took a look at Andre. "I promise I'll find Grace and bring her home."

He followed Evelyn out.

Before going outside to meet David, Anton rested his head on Evelyn's shoulder.

She stroked his hair and kissed him. "Hey, it'll be alright, Andre will come through. Everything is over now, and soon we'll find Grace. Everyone is out looking for her, even my mother, and I think my mother will find her, her motherly instinct will lead her to Grace."

"I hope so," he straightens up. "Let's go."

They stepped out of the jailhouse and met David at the house. David looked awful; he arrived here with Andre since he was the only one who would help Andre. David lost the love of his life, but he's not mourning because he made a promise to Bethy.

"David," Anton smiled.

"Hey," he sighed. "I came back from the search, but I found nothing. It's like the earth swallow Grace."

"I see," Anton sighed.

"I also come to apologize," he said. "I won't be able to help search for Grace."

"Why?" Anton asked.

"I'll be accompanying Lucy; she has to do something," he said. "And I have to make sure that Lucy does as her mother instructed."

"We understand," Anton smiled. "Thank you for helping us and for bringing Andre home. It must've had been a rough journey here."

"He's in pain," David said. "He lost Grace and is desperate, but I know that once Grace is back, he will calm down."

"Alright," Anton shook his hand. "Well, I wish you luck."


David departed later that afternoon.

Anton sat on the couch, staring at the fireplace.

"Hey," Evelyn sat on his lap. "What are you thinking?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm thinking about everything that as happened to us; we had it easy but Andre. I pray that none of this ever happens to our children. I wouldn't want them to go through what we, all, have gone through."

"We can't know," she stroke his hair, resting her cheek on top of his head. "Whatever happens in the future, we are going to support our children and help them as best we can."

"Right," he sighed.

"Come, let's get to bed," she stood, but he dragged her back down. "Hmm?"

"Not yet," he unzipped the back of her dress.

"Oh," she giggles.

"Let's have fun for a bit," he kissed along her neck. "Your lucky Ivon is asleep; if we are going to do this, let's make it quick in case he wakes up."

He groaned. "I hate quickies, one of these days, we'll let your mother take Ivon for a few days or maybe mine, once she and my father come back from their travel."

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