33: Issues

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"It's good to know you're being treated well, Bob," Anibal said. "Your daughters have been worried sick after you just wander off on your own, your wife, well she's hysterical."

"I apologize," Bob smiled. "But I did leave a letter explaining why I left, Grace needed me.

Grace felt a tinge of guilt. "You healthy isn't good, you risk too much, father."

"Nonsense," he pats her hand. "You're my daughter, too, your sisters and mother need to understand that you needed me more. They are well-taken care off, but you, dear you were alone. I sense you loneliness the moment I saw you."

"Oh," Grace eyes water. "I'm not lonely anymore, thank you."

"So," Anibal leaned back against the chair. "Hows the whole, being Queen going?"

"I'm not a Queen," she said. "It's all false, but to tell you the truth, those days felt like I was just being pulled around by strings."

"That you were," Lucy said. "We are were, that lousy woman."

"We weren't," Rosemary smiled.

"Of course not," Lani glared. "You're the one that manages to block me and freak me out."

"Sorry," she giggled. "but you were prying into my mind, uninvited."

Lani shrugged.

"Demons?" Rose asked. "Wher are they?

"Back in us," Lucy said, "Genesis is sleeping."

Lani looked around. "Mine is, well trying to get out, Rian isn't fond of people; he's temper is bad.."

"He needs a spanking," Rose smiled.

Lani dropped her fork.

"Rose!" Elvin glared. "Release her."

Rose's eyes widen. "It's not me, papa."

"I can't move," Lucy too.

"Dolores," Grace panicking, started to check Lucy's body for anything indicating control. She found a little spider attached behind Lucy's right ear. "Gross," she tugs on it, but the spider didn't want to budge, but at last, the little critter came loose. "What is this?"

"Eww!" Lani shiver at the little spider that Andre held. "That's just gross; I hate spiders!"

"What?" Grace looked at Lani. "The oh, mighty Lani hates spiders?"

"Hush," Lani shivered.

"Anyways," Grace placed the spiders in a jar. "I wonder how Dolores manages to get them in here?"

"I'll exam them," Kat said. "That woman is not getting away with this," she took the jar. "But first dessert."

Grace sat back down.

After dinner, Grace sat on the throne. Her father had gone to bed, Kat was working on the spiders and everyone else where scatter around the room chatting.

"How much do you remember?" Kristy asked.

"Not much," Grace didn't like talking about her memories, but she didn't let her irritation show. "Most of my old memories come in pieces, not in the right order."

"Oh," Kristy smiled. "Well, I'm sure you'll remember."

"Yes," she smiled.

Andre squeezed her hand, sensing her discomfort.

"I'd wonder if Bethy is doing okay," Grace was distraught, she knows David is with her, but she would rather have Bethy here, with family.

She looked over at Cassius, who was looking sad and miserable he wanted to see his mother. But she can understand why Bethy doesn't wish for Cassius to be near her.

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