10: Betrayal

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Andre leaned into the tomb. "So the council bury Tiffany here?"

Gene nodded. "Yes, before I was sealed into the dagger, I ask them to give her a proper burial, they accepted my request." Gene ran his hands over the smooth marble coffin. "It breaks my already darken heart to know we have to open it up. But it's to stop Lani."

"Sorry," Lucy said.

"She forgave you," Gene sighed. "Okay, opened it."

Andre nodded. "Ancestors forgive me for dishonoring this grave," he pushed the think marble lid off the coffin, it landed with a thud against the concrete ground without shattering.

Lucy took a deep breath and scan the remains of her dear friend. Andre could see the pain in her eyes as if she were remembering. He wanted to comfort her and tell her it wasn't her fault. To embrace her and take away her pain. There it goes, those damn thoughts again. He stepped away from her.

As Lucy examine the bones, Gene pulled him away from her toward the far corner of the chambers. "Don't do it," he whispers. "I saw it, in your eyes the desire and lust, Lani is doing that, she wants you to betray Grace. If you do, she wins. Fight it, Andre, I have seen it happened, couples in love until Lani forced them to betray each other, destroying them. She destroys happiness because she can't have it."

Andre's hand twitch. "I'm trying, but the temptation is too high, I need Grace here with me."

"I know," Gene said. "For now, try your hardest to resist Lani's spells."

Andre slid down the wall shaking his left, every ounce of his body aches. It's like he was burning from within and the only way to calm it is-

Shaking his head, Andre cursed under his breath. He closed his eyes, remembering Grace when they first met; she was a bossy woman with so much passion and dedication to her family. The first time they had sex was by pure lust, nothing more. And then came the other times and they knew it wasn't just lusting it was love. But things always went askew he never liked being told what to do, but now that he thinks about it, it never bothers him, irritated him, but he always bend to her will, all he wanted was to see her sweet smile. He can identify every detail of her body.

'Don't hurt mother.' A rough male voice whisper into his ear. 'Or I'll kill you and that Witch. Betray my mother, and I'll make sure you don't find her, father.' And like that, the whispers were gone.

He opened his eye and growled, looking around.

"What?" Lucy climbed down the steps of Tiffany's tomb and held something wrapped in white cloth.

"Nothing," he said. "Are we done, this place is making agitated," he stood and felt a sharp pain on hand, he looked won at his palm and saw prickle of blood. Shaking it off, he relaxed, thinking only about Grace and her scent.

"Yes, let's go; hopefully, no one notices us," she walked past him and kept Gene between them. "The spell is getting strong, the moment we stepped out that first time, Lani cast it on us, so Gene, you need to keep Andre sane keep reminding him of Grace."

"Will do," Gene said. "But you better come up with a spell to counteract it because I can't stay long in this form."

"Okay," Lucy said. "Let's not waste any more time, Tiffany, thank you."

They reached the basement unnoticed, Lucy went to work while he and Gene sat across the room far away from her.

"I heard a voice," he said. "A man voice telling me that if I betray his mother, he will kill Lucy and me and that he'll take Grace away and I won't find her, ever, he called me father."

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