35: Make A Move

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Grace looked down at her arm, markings we're starting to spread. "What should I do?"

"Accept," Andre said. "We need all the help, Dolores is planning something I can feel it."

She sighed. "You know, I wished things could be simple like before. Why did she target me?"

"Your we're an easy target," he kissed her arm.

"Okay," she sighed. "I'll accept this as a gift."

She winced as her arm began to burn the strange encryption's burning into her flesh.

"Damn," Andre grabbed a clean cloth and wrapped her arm with it to avoid blood from dripping onto the floor.

An all of a sudden, the whole place shook.

"She's here!" Blaise yelled.

She looked at Andre. "It's too soon; we need to send the kids away."

Andre nodded. "I'll have the carriage's ready, our children, and the town children we'll take the underground tunnels."

"You go do that; I have to get my father out of here too," Grace took a deep breath and let it out, she made her way toward her father's bedroom. When she got there, he was already up, Kristy was helping him. "Father."

"Grace," he smiled. "I suppose its time to go, but before I go, I need you to promise me something."

"What?" She smiled.

"For you to come home," he coughed. "Promise me that after this us over, you'll come home to me."

"I promise," she hugged him kissing his cheek. "I'll go home." She steps back. "Now, you need to go."

She stood there, watching as he got escorted out. She turns to her children. "Connor, Ciana, be good kids and obey your eldest. Connor, take care of your sister. I promise I'll come home."

She hugged them both and kissed their heads.

"Come on, you two," Kristy smiled. "Don't worry, Grace; they'll be safe with us."

Grace smiled. "I know."

Grace followed them to the entrance of the tunnel and waved. She prays they make it safely home.

"Hey," Andre sighed. "Ready?"

"Our final battle before we can settle down," she smiled.

The whole place shook.

"She's getting impatience," Andre said.

Grace made her way to the throne and found her guards fighting off Dolores, who reverted to her younger self. Grace manages to save a maid from falling debris. "Go!" The maid stood and ran.

"Grace!" Dolores laughed. "Its time for you to come to your senses. You're my puppet."

"I'm no one's puppet!" Grace will never be under anyone's control ever again. "You have ruined so many people's lives, and for what to gain power? To take your people back to the old ways?"

"Yes," Dolores glared. "We used to set fear into people; we dominate them, but then the elders decided it was time for a chance all because the other tribes were concerned and angry, especially those goddamn wolves. They warned us if we didn't stop, innocent people would die, as in our community were on the verge of extinction. So the elders agree to their demands and signed a treaty. No harm will befall humans ever again. If we do harm them, we will get burned on the stake, alive."

"Your evil," Grace glared. "And ill make sure you put down."

"You can try," she grinned. "But you won't win. I have been planning this for years. But as you may know, my powers, we're taken. Before they sealed away my powers, I gave a random woman I met a piece of fruit that I let soak in a potion I made. I didn't know the woman was pregnant until she gave birth to a girl with dark hair and evil eyes," Grace glared. "I guess the potion only affected the child. I offered to help and reverse it with a seal that could only be broken by a strong Witch."

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