24: Accept?

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Grace sat in front of her vanity, brushing her hair and staring at her crack face. She could see rose skin beneath the open flesh. It's like the old Grace is trying to resurface.

She picked at the flakes of skin and thought about what Andre said to her. About accepting herself and becoming one with the rest of her soul. She wants to live, to have a family, and to stay in the light. She placed her hand against her chest, her heart if dark as coal, and the only way to brighten it is too accept herself. Smiling, she felt her heart warm for a moment before something pulled her back to reality. There is was again, that little nagging voice telling her she was born to be evil.


"Hmm?" She looked up at the mirror and found the old Grace staring back. "You."

"Me," she smiled. "Grace, block away that voice, it's Dolores she had always been in control of you up to some point, but you broke free, and now she's trying again. So accept me because things are messed up; your not who you think you are; it's all unreal. We have been played, and its to break this up."

"I don't understand?" Grace frowned. "What are you trying to imply? That I'm fake?"

"Yes," she sighed. "Everything that has happened so far is not real, I mean us, we are not real, I'm saying is that your not a goddess or something like that. Your a wolf and lycan, and now a witch since you were soaked in those horrible waters. You're breaking because Dolores has lost control of you; if you let it happened, then you'll remember what really happened. All this time, we thought Lani was behind you becoming this, but in reality, it was Dolores pulling the strings everyone involves has been nothing but a puppet. That woman even used her own daughter for her selfish ways. It's disgusting to know someone like that exists in this world."

Grace held her head, trying to processes all this information. "Wait, my daughter, why did Dolores want to get rid of her?"

"Because," she smiled. "Ciana is a white Enchantress, and those are rare Dolores wanted to get rid of her because Ciana can undo everything Dolores did."

"But why?" Grace felt memories begin to flood her head. "Why would she do that? What will could Dolores gain from all of this?"

"To rule," she said. "To rule over everything, to be the Great Witch."

Grace cawl at her face scraping the flecks of skin. "That woman, she's going to die."

"Blaise," she said. "Blaise is really dead, his only walking around because of a forbidden spell. Once we defeat Dolores, he's soul will be set free."

"I see," Grace looked in the mirror at her damaged skin. She stared as memories of her past made her emotional. "Evelyn, she's married to a lycan named Anton, Eliana to Anibal, Skyler to Alton, Kristy to Elvin, Shane to Emma, my mother is alive, and my father is dying."

"Good," she smiled. "You're starting to remember; those are your memories; once you accept them, we'll become one."

"How did I become like this?" Grace asked.

"Magic," she said. "It seems Dolores planned this from a long time ago."

"How do you know all this?" Grace frowned.

"A woman told me," she said. "I don't know who she is thought, but she told me about it."

Grace leaned, stared at the mirror, and closed her eyes.


She opened her eyes and looked back at Andre on the bed. "Hey," she stood and walked over and sat beside him, she stroked his hair. It's a good thing Andre can't see, she didn't want him to see her at the moment.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I sense a great amount of stress coming from you."

"I'm okay," she sighed. "It's my face, I have become hideous."

He chuckled. "With crack skin or not, you'll always be beautiful to me."

"Thanks," she snuggles him.

Grace felt calmer now that she's close to Andre. Being around him brings love into her heart.

It's time to take back control of being.


Anton leaned against the wall. "So, it's unbreakable?"

"Not precisely," Bethy sighed. "The magic bein used on the barriers is forbidden magic, ancient, that was locked away because it was too dangerous to use. Someone needs to learn it to breakthrough. And since no one is a witch, I'll have to do it."

"But?" Elvin frowned. Bethy looked at him with a very, painful expression. "There is always a but, Bethy. From what I learned during the year I spent with you is that things always come with a cost. And if this is ancient magic, what will it cost you?"

"This is the only way," she changed the subject, but Elvin was not about to let it go

"You have a son," Elvin glared. "And don't say you're doing this for him because that's bullshit tell us, whats cost?"

"My soul," Bethy said. "More specifically, my life, magic like this isn't compatible with me, because I was born after that era, my mother and Dolores can use it without cost, but not me or anyone else born after it was banned. Look, I am doing this for our son, and to pay for my sins. It's the least I could to repay for all the wrongs I committed."

"And if I say no?" Elvin challenged her.

"I'll do anyways," Bethy said it without breaking eye contact with him. "I have always done what I wanted; that's not going to change. Do we all agree?"

Anton nodded. "Yes, whatever you decided, we'll support you."

Everyone else nodded afraid to speak up, Elvin cursed, and walked out. Kristy shook her head. "There has to be another way Bethy, I know you did unforgivable things, but killing yourself won't repent them."

"I can save Grace and everyone else," Bethy opened the book that Kat left behind. She strokes the brown cat's ear, her mother had sent her cat to her sister Katherine, with the book containing the ancient magic.

Bethy knows her mother sent it because she's the only one that can do this.

Bethy smiled, her mother is trusting her with this task, and she intends to complete it. Dolores will be erased from this world; what she did is despicable way worse than her own sins.

Giving up her life is frightening, but if she wants her son to have a future, then so be it.

"There is no other way," Bethy flipped the pages and found the spell to learn rest at the same time. "I need some ingredients for this."

"I'll help you," Kristy sighed. "Just tell me what you need, and I'll go look for them."

"Thanks," Bethy smiled.

She'll have to spend a lot of time with her son.

She gripped the book until the edges dug into her palms dying is frightening, but she'll die knowing she did something good in life.

But she already created something beautiful, her son Cassius.






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