8: Claimed

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Andre peeked around the corner of the baker store. "It's clear; the streets are empty and so quiet."

"Hmm," Lucy sighed. "Lani must've had placed a strict curfew. Let's be careful Lani has pets that follow her, and they're mixtures of lycans, wolves, and werewolves, their rogue and love causing problems."

"But Lani calls them pets?" He frowned.

"They don't care," she said. "Let's keep moving before one of them catches us, then again these potions seem to be working. But that doesn't mean that they won't recognize us, that spell is hard to make."

"Okay," he looked again. "Let's go."

They lurk around the village, looking for a crow and the cemetery.

"If the cemetery isn't under this spell," Lucy groaned. "We'll have to enter the cathedral and get a bone; a finger will be fine."

"Were graverobbing?" He chuckled. "That sounds a bit wrong."

"It's the only way," she said. "We'll ask for forgiveness as we take the finger, now it's best we do that first."

He groaned. "Graverobbing isn't my thing, but I guess we don't have a choice."

Lucy grinned. "Hey, the sooner we do this, the sooner you can get to Grace because your lusting for her is making me feel sick. Literally, I can sense every emotion coming from you. So try to keep it in your pants."

He grimaced. "How can you sense all that?"

"Through my demon," she looked around. "In a way, he kept me safe and kept my senses from optimizing, and now that he's out, well, I can sense the damn village calling out for help to be set free. I sense fear, anger, despair; it's so overwhelming that I don't know if I'll be able to keep it contained. At some point, I'm going to lose my mind, sit the darkest corner and curl into a ball crying out for it to stop."

He looked at her. "Should I be worried?"

"Yes," she bit her bottom lip. "If I do, in a way, lose myself, you'll have to find a way to bring me back."

"Well," he pinned her to the wall as a hooded figure walked past them sliver chains dragging behind them. "The hell is that?"

"Those," Lucy pried his arm away from her stomach. "Those are Reapers, what the hell are they doing here?" She peeked out. "They don't come here, ever, whatever Lani is planning it's not good, let's keep going I see the cathedral, what?"

"Your stomach moved," he said. "Is there something your not telling me, Lucy."

"We don't have time for this," she said. "If you want to see Grace again, then don't ask questions anymore, it's not about me anymore."

He glared. "Fine, for now."

He knew deep down that Lucy was hiding something, that brief moment when he pulled her back for safety, he felt something, something moving in her belly. It sent chills throughout his body. But he won't ask about it, now when their out here on the darken village risking their lives to find the cathedral.

He peers around as they made their way to the cathedral, the building looked ancient and full of secrets. He can sense death lurking on each brick. He knew this place is where the Witches come to worship their gods to harness their powers.

"Hello," Lucy placed her hand on the wall brick, a closer look Andre could see red stains, bloodstains. "I know, and I rather you don't know whose blood it is, you won't like it."

"Don't need too," he stiffens, gritting his teeth. "Humans, no, children."

"Sorry," she said. "It was a long time ago, that practice isn't welcomed here anymore."

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