37: Dolores Last Trick

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Grace coughed and stood and look down.

She stood inside the dark waters, somehow Dolores had fought her towards it. She could feel the waters calling her.

A loud splash behind her startled her. She looked back, Andre.

He was in full beast mode again. Heh, as been going in and out of it.

She smiled. "Let's end this before innocent people get hurt."

He nodded.

"You little brat!" Dolores kicked Kiki and was about end her, but Blaise blocked Dolores's path receiving the hit. He looked paler, but still holding on strong. "You, it's time for you to go, your starting to annoy me, you don't obey me anymore."

Blaise looked at her for a moment, and Grace saw a small smile and a nod before Dolores cut him down. Grace saw Blaise's soul come out of his body, it lingers for a moment before disappearing. His lifeless body laid there next to Kiki, who had tears rolling down her cheeks and glaring at her mother.

"Now no more distractions," Dolores reached for Kiki. "You have been a very, bad girl Kiki I have to punish you for all the bad things you did to me, like taking my arm."

"You deserve losing your arm," Kiki glared. "And whatever happens, to you, I hope you rot in hell."

Dolores stabbed Kiki in the chest and twisted it around. Kiki eyes widen, and blood pours from her mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. Dolores pulled the dagger, something stuck at the end of the tip. "I'll get you a new body, and I'll make sure to put more restraints."

Kiki fell back, lifeless.

"What did you do?!" Grace gripped the handle of the sword, feeling the rough edges digging into her palms, pricking her skin. "Answer me!"

"I took her soul back," she said. "I'm going to get her a new body."

Grace growled. "I won't let you do that, I'll make sure Kiki gets the rest she deserved you, bile woman!" She ripped her dress and was left with only a small thin white nightgown. She tore the bottom layer.

She'll need all her space, the dress only got in her.

Andre growled and nudge her, attempting to put the dress back on her.

"No, Andre," she sighed. "I need the room, that dress only got in my way, I hate black, now that I know who I am, I don't have to wear them anymore."

"Look at you," Dolores laughed. "You really think you can take me down, don't you?"

"I know I can," she glared. "For all the wrong you did, forever person that you hurt and killed. For all the lives you ruined, I'll avenge them. Your dead won't be quick, it'll be slow; I'll make you suffer."

"You can try, but you won't succeed," she laughed. "Well, bring it on, Grace, try and kill me."

Grace rushed her with all her might. Dolores seemed so confident, and that will be her downfall. She shouldn't underestimate her opponent.

They clashed in the middle, as they fought for control, Andre began to terrorize the sorcerors. They seemed to rethink things and ran; they must know Dolores won't win.

Andre followed them out the doors.

Dolores was fast and used her magic to tried and stop her.

Grace allowed her body and mind to use her new powers, she calms herself. And soon, she began to spout fire from her palms and directed it to the sword. The sword was now ablaze with red flames.

"That won't help you," Dolores used the waters to her advantage, attempting to put the flames out, thought that only intensify it. "Why won't it work?!"

"Ancient magic," she said. "I guess your Witchy powers really don't work on the old magic."

"You shouldn't have them," Dolores glared as they circle each other. "Those ancient powers don't belong to you; your not a Witch; your only an imitation of one, all thanks to me. I really don't understand where I went wrong with you. I did everything to change that heart of yours to cover it with blackness. So tell me why didn't it work?"

Grace also wondered about that. Never once, while under the darkness, did she actually feel evil. She always wanted to help others, even if it meant learning terrible spells. But it was still for the people to defend themselves.

"Love," she said. "Love is what kept me from obeying you." She pointed the sword at Dolores. "There as always been love in my heart. My love for my son, kept me from fulling submerging into the darkness. Thank you for not taking that from me. All I needed was a little push, from the man I truly love, Andre."

"I should've had killed him when I had the chance," Dolores glared. "If it weren't for Andre or that son of yours, you would still be under my control."

"Even if it wasn't for them," she smiled. "It was the love that my mother and father gave me." She thought back to those dark days. "Now that I thought about it, I never killed innocent people, it was always the bad ones that I took out, I get it now." She looked at Dolores. "You can turn me into a mindless puppet, but you should know that love always wins."

Dolores raged and did the stupidest thing, unaware of the person behind her.


Andre stopped as he heard the rumble. He turns to see the whole temple or palace or whatever they want to call, crumble down.

He rushed over, ignoring the debris flying all over, all he could think of was getting to Grace. That's all that matters to him.

He did his best to dodge the people of stone brick, but some manage to hit him, causing him to stumble a few times. He could feel the wetness of blood against his skin. He was still in lycan form, and the dampness of the blood started to irritate him because he couldn't smell Grace.

He sniffed the air and managed to get a Grace scent and two other people. One of them being Dolores and the other a stranger. He hurried toward them.

Please be okay. Please.

He stopped right at the edge of a massive hole, he spotted a hooded figure standing there. It looked up and nodded him toward some debris, he could see a hand sticking out.


He rushed over and quickly began to digged. He broke one of his sharp claws, but he didn't care. He needed to get Grace out of there.

In no time, he could see Grace's body. She was cover in dust and dirt, her cheek had a nasty cut, there was too much blood oozing from many wounds. He carefully dragged her out and held her. He tried to shift back, but couldn't.

He rubbed his wet nose against her cheek.

Grace stirred and mumble.

He whimper and howl.

A noise caught his attention, he looks back to see Dolores crawling from under a hole. She dragged herself out, he cringes at the sight of her mangle legs.

It seems Dolores will no longer be able to hurt anyone, now with those injuries.

She looked up and screamed. She was full of rage.

"You lose," he growled. "You will never hurt anyone ever again."

"I'm not done yet!" She yelled. "I'll take Grace with me!"

She slammed her hand against the ground and smiled.

Andre didn't have time to react as the explosion happened to quickly.

Grace was ripped from his arms as he went flying back, hitting something very hard, causing him to lose consciousness. Before the darkness engulfed him, he heard Dolores laugh and final words.

"You will never find her!"


A few more chapters than it'll be the end of the Lycans or is it?





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