16: Sisters Bonding

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Kiki laid in bed, embracing Connor tightly against her chest. She was trying to block Lucy's screams.

'I don't like seeing you like this,' Connor spoke. 'Please, let me in, I can block it for you.'

"Even if you do," she sniffles. "It'll only make it worse, knowing that I can't help Lucy, it torments me."

'I know,' Connor said. 'It'll ease your pain, my love. Please allow me to help you just this once, you need sleep. Your lack of sleep isn't doing you any good. Please?'

Kiki hesitated for a moment, but if she wants to help Lucy and escape this hellhole, she must gain back her energy. "Okay, Connor, your win."

She dropped her walls and allow Connor to invade her mind. It took less than a second for Connor to block everything around her. It was complete silence.


She sighed, cuddling Connor, who kept his promise to not harras her. Even if he is a toddler, his mind is that of an adult. "Thank you."

'You're my soulmate, Kiki,' he whispers. 'I will do anything yo protect you. And if I could, I would stop my mother and make things right, but I can't not with this body.'

"I know," she kissed his head. "Don't ever change, we'll find a way to bring Grace back." Lani came into mind. "What did you do with Lani?"

'Dropped her off at water well,' he snickers. 'She deserved it.'

"We could use her help," Kiki said. "I know what you're going to say, Lani is the reason why your mother is like that. But she is the only one that can reserve it, I'm sure of it."

'And if she betray us?' Connor asked, with displease in his tone. 'What then?'

"Huh?" She didn't think this through. "I don't know, there must be a spell that'll make her keep a deal, I'll need to read some books if Bethy was here-."

'I don't know what happened to her,' Connor sighed. 'The last I saw was darkness and screams than it was over. I was here, with Lani. It worries me that she may be dead along with my uncle Elvin and aunty Kristy and her children and everyone in that household, I.' He cursed. 'I wished I could've had done something.'

"You a baby," she said. "A man stuck in a baby's body, there's not much you can do, besides from what Lucy told me before chaos hit us, she told me that Kristy has three children and that the three are very unique, something about being powerful enough to stop Lani. Perhaps they are still alive. We must not lose hope."

'Okay,' he yawn. 'I hate being a baby, it's embarrassing that you have to change me.'

She laughed. "That'll be a great story to tell our future children-." The came out before she could stop them. "I mean, you know."

He yawned again. 'I won't let you, it'll be out secret, let's get some sleep.'

Kiki cuddled him and closed her eyes.

And for the first time in over a year, she slept like baby, with no worries.



"You thought you could control us?!" Blaise pressed the hot bar against Lani's back. "You stupid girl, you know, I remember what Dolores did to me, the way she messed with my head with that spell."

Lani smiled. "I did it for your own good, I mean look at you, a King, or would you rather e stuck with Lucy, a stupid bitch that betray me!"

Blaise backhanded her across the face. "Watch our tongue!"

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