9: Mysterious Cathedral

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"I must admit," Lucy flicked her left hand, and a small light began from on her palm. "I never been into the cathedral, so we're going to have trouble finding the perfect tomb."

Andre stopped and looked at her with disbelief. "Your joking?"

"Nope," she stopped and turn to look at him. "To tell you the truth, this lace creeps me out, I know nothing scares the great Lucy, but this place does because of all the history, all the sorrow, and lost souls. It's to much to handle."

"Well, no shit," they continued their way. "Well, we'll have to figure it out. So how will we know which tomb to rob?"

"Follow your instinct," she stopped at the door and pushed it open. "Lani can't come here, in a way, this place is protected Lani is pure evil and that isn't allowed in here, but that doesn't mean she won't find a way to break the barrier."

"Damn," Andre stepped inside and whistle. "Wow, must've had taken a long time to create this beauty, it is beautiful."

Lucy grimaced in pain. "The beauty was to distract the children, god I hate this place I wish we could destroy this horrible place but we can't its a reminder of the evil that once lived here. Of the suffering those children went through," she closed her eyes. "I can hear the echos, the cries bouncing off the walls, those children so desperate, calling for their parents seeking help but none came. Everything in here bleeds out from so much pain."

Andre saw glisters of tears in Lucy's eyes. "Hmm," sighing, he held her. "I understand your pain, you ever wonder maybe you can help these souls."

Lucy sniffle. "How can I help them?"

"I don't know," he gulps at this strange sensation as he held Lucy. It's not right, he can't feel this way, he has Grace. "You'll find away," he stepped away and cleared his throat. "We should keep looking before someone notice us."

"Right," she wiped her eyes. "And thanks for your comfort."

He nodded. "No problem, what are friends for," but as he said it, it sounded so foreign as if it didn't fit. What the hell was going on? He cannot desire Lucy like that, no, he has Grace. Grace is all that matters to him, no one else.

Yet as he looked at Lucy, all he wanted was to take her. Embrace her. To pin her against the wall to claim that beautiful body of hers.

"Hey!" Lucy glared. "Let go of me, what the hell, whoa no, no." She moved her head away. "Snap out of it, Andre!"

Andre's eyes cleared, and he stepped back, agitated at the fact that he almost betrayed Grace. "Why did I do that?"

"Jesus," she adjusted her dress. "We need to get you to Grace before Lani makes you do something you'll regret, and yes, I been feeling it too, but you are not the man I love, so snap out of it and keep walking."

Andre shook his head as guild began to build up; betraying Grace is not on his list; he must keep his mind clear of these lustful thoughts. "Right, I'm good."

Lucy went to a wooden door and pushed it open. "This way, I can sense the tomb." They went down a flight of old wooden stairs that could break at any moment. With each step, Andre could hear a creak as his book made contact with the last step.

"It's doesn't look safe," he said.

"Man-up," she said.

As they reached the last step, they could hear the cries of a child echoing through the walls.

As they move closer, the cries became clear.

They came upon a room with rows of stone coffins aligned on the ground and along the walls. "Wow," the cries of the child broke him out of the zone he looked around. "I don't see any child here."

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