6: HideOut

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"Is this one of your experiment hideouts?" Kiki asked.

"No," Bethy said. "This hideout is my home, where I gave birth to my son."

"Oh," Grace picked up a wooden horse. "I can sense so much love in this house."

"Yeah," Kiki said. "Wow, Bethy, I never thought of you as a sentimental person, do you even love your daughter?"

"Of course I do," Bethy said. "As I told Grace, I never abandoned Lucy if I survive this, which I doubt, I'm going to try and make it up to her. You think Elvin will allow me to see my son?"

"Yes," Grace said. "Elvin is a good man; he would never do such a cruel thing."

"Okay," Bethy smiled.

"Whoa," Grace looked at Kiki. "Why is your hair blue?"

"I'm gloomy," Kiki pout. "It's a spell I placed on myself to identify my mood; it's cool."

"Is that all you do?" Bethy asked. "Using childish tricks, Kiki, from now on, you need to use your stronger spells were at war."

"I know," Kiki sighed. "But I hate using powers that'll hurt someone even if they are the enemy."

"Your too soft," Bethy said. "I assumed being around your mother would toughen you up and gain her habits, but I guess you got them from your father."

"Who is your father?" Grace asked.

Kiki looked away from Bethy. "You haven't told anyone, have you?"

"No," Bethy said. "We can tell Grace, you can trust her."

She looked at them both. "I can tell it's a sensitive topic; you don't have to tell me, forget I asked."

"It's okay," Kiki said. "My father is the devil, I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth my mother, to get what she wants gave the devil accesses to her body and in doing so, got her pregnant with me, in the end, the devil tricked my mother into having her offspring, and she didn't' get any power. It's why I wear this amulet; it helps not to hear my father's voice. He tends to talk too much and becking me to join him in hell or to do destructed things such as kill. That is why my powers are limited."

"Oh," she sighed. "I guess we all it difficult; life is full of surprises, isn't it."

"Yup," Kiki smiled. "But I guess Bethy is right; I did get my father's habits in doing childish things."

"See," Bethy sighed. "Anyways, let's settle down, we have enough food to last us years. I have an underground garden."

"Of course you do," Kiki said.

Grace gasp. "Oh, that didn't wasn't there before."

The three looked at the baskets of apples, oranges, and various fruits.

"Hmm," Bethy tsk. "First, we need to contain your child's power before we get find out."

"Your baby is hungry," Kiki said. "Eat."

"Right," she grabbed an apple and cleaned it and took a bite, that calm the baby down. "I guess you were right, Kiki."

"Duh," Kiki grinned. "When I'm hungry, I get cranky too; it's a natural reaction. He or She is going to eat a lot."

"I'd wonder," Bethy walked over and poked her arm with a needle.

"Ow," she rubbed her arm. "Why did you do that?"

Bethy moved out of the way as a pair of scissors came flying towards her. "Well, I guess this baby is protecting you as well."

"Our baby's don't do that," Kiki said. "Why?"

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