17: See

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Andre laid next to Grace as she spoke to some men about plans to invade their first town.

It's starting.

Grace has finally started to plan her evil schemes of taking over the world. And he can't do shit about it, all he can do is watch. He has no control over his body, only when they have sex. But even then, his restraints are limited.

He wanted to stop her, but nothing he says works. It's like Grace's mind has been consumed by someone else. But he knows the real one is in there, trying to come out. All he needs to do is pull the right strings.

"I want everyone to be ready by the end of this week," Grace commanded. "I don't want any excuses. Also, keep searching for Genesis."

The men bowed and left.

She pats him, rubbing behind his ear. "Get closer, the baby is kicking."

He hated knowing his child will be used to fight. More than ever, he needed to get through Grace and bring her back.

He moved closer and placed his paw against her belly. He felt the movements of his child.

"It's a girl," she whispers. "She'll be strong and powerful."

Andre didn't like that his child was growing in Grace's womb without a clue as to the future that awaits. If only he could break free of Grace restraints, enough to take the child away.

"Ahem," Kiki walked over, holding Connor. "You called for me, my lady."

"Yes," Grace patted the spit next to her. "Sit."

Kiki looked at him nervously, he nodded. Kiki took a deep breath and sat down, setting Connor on her lap. "What can I do for you, me, lady?"

"Kiki," Grace stroked Kiki's hair. It was a sweet motherly gesture. "My sweet Kiki, soon I'll give birth to my daughter, I need you to nanny her, obviously not like Connor, but I'll be a busy woman."

"Sure," Kiki smiled, that didn't reach her eyes. She looked exhausted, physically, and mentally. "I'll make your proud, my lady."

"Good," Grace kissed her head. "Your the only one I can count on."

Kiki nodded. "Of course."

"Connor, I hope your behaving," Grace gripped his chin gently and kissed his nose. "My little angel."

Connor coo and giggled. For someone who has the mind of an adult, sure knows how to act childish.

'I am a child,' Connor spoke.

Andre rolled his eyes and laid down. 'Out of my head boy, my mind is the only thing keeping me from going insane. It's my safe zone.'

Connor sighed. I'm going to help you out, I will find a way to get your heart back because your love for my mother could break her. Forcing her to see reality.'

'How can you be so sure?' He asked. 'You were against me once.' 'I'm sorry,' Connor said.

Andre scoff. 'Did I hear, right? Baby Connor is apologizing for the first time. It's going to rain today.'

'Shut up!' Connor growled. 'Accept my god damn apology! And don't tell anyone about this.'

Andre snorted. 'Whatever you say, your highness.'

'Anyways,' Connor yawned. 'It's time for my nap, I'll talk to you later.'

Andre peeked over as Connor snuggled against Kiki's chest, suckling his thumb. Brat.

"Goodness," Grace stroke Connor's hair. "I guess it's time for his nap, please see to it Kiki."

Nodding, Kiki stood. "Have a good evening, my lady," Kiki walked past him, giving him a weak smile.

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