4: Weird Magic

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"I'm so tired," Kiki complained for the sixth time in a row.

"Kiki," Bethy stopped. "Say that one more time, and I'll shrink you down, place you in a jar, and stuff you the satchel. You pipe it down, learn from Grace; she's not complaining."

Grace smiled. "I am, mentally, anyway, I see a village."

"Good," Bethy sighed. "Great, a human one, act normal and no magic Kiki, I know how you love using them to revive death plants."

"I'll resist," Kiki said.

Grace sighed. "A human village is better than anything, now let's get going before I too start complaining."

Grace rubbed her belly, what could Lani want with her child. It doesn't matter; she won't let anyone hurt her baby.

"How long are you?" Bethy asked.

" A month," Grace said.

"A month?" Bethy frowned. "Your stomach should've had, expanded a bit; it looks flat aa piece of paper."

"Well," Grace frowned. "Now that you mention it, why is that?"

"The baby," Kiki said. "The baby must be keeping himself a secret, wow intelligent."

"Anyways," Bethy sighed. "Here we are, act normal, let's get a room and don't draw any unwanted attention, Kik what did I just say?"

"Sorry," Kiki moved her hand away from a flower pot. "Anyway, lets hurry. I need a bath."

"Do we have money?" Grace asked.

Bethy took out a small pouch with coins. "Don't ask, we are in a sire situation, any resource we can find we'll use it, and even if we steal, Grace, your pregnant, so that makes four of us."

"Five," Grace said.

"Five?" Bethy frowned. "Your carryon twins?"

"Oh, no," she chuckled. "My wolf, well, right now, she's dormant, but yeah, five."

"Great," Bethy sighed. "Anyways, there's an inn, let's get a room."

Bethy opened the doors and went straight to the inn lady.

Grace looked around; the inn looked decent. She waited for Bethy to get them a room. "Ow," she held her arm. "Ow."

"What?" Kiki frowned. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay," she said. "My arm hurts."

"Let's go," Bethy said.

Grace followed Bethy upstairs to the room. It's decent with two beds. "It burns."

"Undressed," Bethy said. "Hurry up."

"I'll help," Kiki said. "Honestly, why do you women wear so many articles of clothing? You don't need this corset."

"I know," she sighed.

"Whoa," Kiki stepped back. "Bethy, is that normal?"

"No," Bethy said. "That is not normal."

Grace looked in the mirror. "Oh, what is happening to me? What are those markings on my body?"

"Give me the necklace," Bethy said. "It could be that."

Grace took it off and handed it to her. "That didn't do anything."

"It's not the necklace," Bethy frowned. "It could be your baby, may I?"

She nodded. "Yes."

Bethy placed her hands on her belly and pulled away, and her hair changed to pink.

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