39: Found?

44 3 1

Andre sat near the river, throwing pebbles.

He had finally recovered from his aggression and beast mode. At first, it was difficult to maintain is human form since ever little thing annoyed him. But over time, he managed to keep it under control. There are times when he loses his patience, but he always gains power.

Of course, nowadays, he has his children. Connor and Ciana, well, Connor isn't he's, but it doesn't matter. Right now, they need him more than ever.

There haven't been any signs of Grace; it's like she doesn't exist. They have searched everywhere but nothing. Everyone is starting to lose hope.

"Hey!" Connor splashed him. "Don't think that; mother is going to come home, I know it."

"Right," he stood. "Come on, let's get back, the sun is setting." He picked Ciana up.

He held Connor's hand as they went back to the house.

At the house, Anton waited outside. "Your back, okay, good, we have needed information about Grace."

"Hmm," Andre didn't want to get his hopes up. "Has it been checked out?"

"Not yet," Anton sighed. "But David, he sends us a letter explaining about a human village that he and Lucy passed by. They heard from the locals that there is this rectangular stone; it big enough to fit a person. They say it's hallow from the inside but have no way of opening because it's a simple smooth stone, there isn't any opening. But once in a while, they tend to hear noise coming from within."

Andre set Ciana down. "Dolores would do something like that, lock Grace inside somewhere with no escape."

"Will you go?" Anton asked.

"If there's the slightest chance that Grace is inside that damn stone than yes," he said. "It's the only lead that makes sense, you know."

"Well, start packing," he said. "Someone is going with you, even though I tried to tell them no."

"Who?" Andre frowned.

"Me!" Lani walked over. "Look, Lucy and David ditched me even thought we were supposed to go together; I'm only going to catch up to those indrids."

"Alright," he sighed. "Than I'll pack, I want to leave as soon as possible."

Later that night, Andre said his goodbyes. "I promise I'll bring your mother home," he kissed Ciana and Connor on the head. "Behave and listen to your uncles and aunts. Especially you, Connor."

Connor smirk. "Yeah, yeah, hurry up and get mom, she still has to do something for me."

Andre nodded. "Kiki, of course."

Andre stood.

"Let's go," Lani said. "Those two, they just wait, I'll be kicking their asses."

Andre chuckled. "Let's go," he helped Lani onto the horse, and he got on his.

They rode out of the village and made their way south. Andre prays that the rumors about the stone coffin are right because that's the only thing that would make sense when Dolores made Grace disappeared. Dolores clearly said no one would see Grace again.

"A stone coffin," Lani shook her head. "Typical."

"Typical?" He frowned.

"Well, if you must know," Lani cleared her throat. "Once upon a time, bad, evil Witches used to be locked up in stone coffins and throw into the deepest of body water or buried like 12 feet underground."

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked. "That could've had helped us, you know."

"It didn't cross my mind," she said. "I assume Dolores send her far away or something, but now that I think about it, a stone coffin does make sense."

"Are they unbreakable?" He asked.

"Yup," she said. "The stone coffins are made through magic only, it gets hallow from within, no tools, just magic. And then the person is placed inside. They used some type of spell that makes a person pass through. I'm not sure how Dolores did it; I'll have to see it for myself."

"You Witches," he scoffs. "You have some weird ways of punishing your own."

"Yeah, well," she sighed. "That was a long time ago, nowadays the stone coffins actually have lids. By the way, they are alive, those that received the Coffins Of Enternity they were buried alive; once inside, it would take then three days for them to fall into a deep slumber. And depending on how long they are supposed to be in there, nothing can wake them up." She smiled. "Not until their punishment is done. If someone is to be in there for a hundred years, they'll be asleep for that long."

"So," he gripped the reins. "You telling me that Grace could be asleep?"

"Yes," she said. "But let's pray it didn't come to do; hopefully, Dolores kept Grace awake. I mean being awake knowing you stuck, not knowing what time is it, if it's day or night, that's a more sadistic horrible punishment it could drive someone insane."

"Knowing Dolores, she would keep Grace awake," he sighed.

"That sadistic bitch," Lani said. "I can't believe I allow her to manipulate me."

"We all make mistakes," he said. "Even me, my mistake not fighting for Grace and for running away."

"Yeah, you're an idiot," Lani said. "From what I learned from your family, you had trouble declaring your love for Grace."

"Shut up," he groaned. "Once I find Grace, I'll express my feelings."

"Good," she smiled. "Now let's hurry, I'm curious about this human village."

Andre nodded.

Grace holds on a little longer.


Grace laid on her side, staring at nothing but darkness; it felt like she's been in there for eternity; maybe she has. She felt hungry and thirsty; her body is starting to shut down. Not dying, but to sleep.

The good thing is that she heard voices from above, whispers, they are faint, but she knows people are out there. Every time they are near, she yells for help. But she knows the people must think a ghost is calling them.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She's starting to lose hope.

There is no way Andre or anybody will ever find her.

She clutched the sword; it's the only thing that keeps her sane and from falling asleep. The many tiny cuts on her arms keep her body from shutting down.

She laid there, thinking about Connor and Ciana. She missed them a lot, her little trouble makers. She doesn't want them to grow up without her.

She wants to be there for them, to see them grow up and get married.

She sighed.

After everything that happened, Dolores still won.

She wonders if Dolores is even alive.

Well, it doesn't matter; she will get out of this place and reunite with her family.

'Use your powers, I gave them to you for a reason,' the male voice spoke. This man has been pestering her for a while now.

"I tried," she sighed. "I'm weak, my body needs food and water, I'm nothing but a pile of weakness."

'Should I just kill you then?' He said. 'To make things easier for you.'

"No," she gripped the sword. "Fine, I'll attempt to use my powers, but I doubt it'll work."

She closed her eyes and attempted to use the Phase spell; if she manages to get it right, she'll be able to phase through the stone.

The used the sword as an experiment.

"Oh," she smiled as the tip of the sword began to go through the stone, but then it got stuck.

'And that will get someone's attention,' the voice said.

Grace sighed.

She hopes the sword ill lure someone to investigate.






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