27: Bethy's Arrival

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Bethy stared at Grace, last time she saw Grace she was dark, but now she seems healthy, getting back to her old self. "It's good to know your getting better."

"Yeah," Grace smiled. "I'm feeling a bit, clean."

"Good," Bethy looked around. "The temple looks darker than before; hopefully, we can restore it to its glory days and this waters, they're tainted."

"What is it use for?" Grace asked.

"To heal," Bethy said. "But it looks like someone tainted the waters to do something else, I can fix it, but it'll take a while."

Grace nodded. "Come, we have space for you to work at, and we gathered everything you need."

"My mother told you," Bethy smiled.

"Do you know?" Grace asked.

"I do," Bethy followed her to the witchery room. "It was hard t believe when she first appears before me, but I had to accept it. Be lucky; my mother gave her life to save Andre. Don't let this opportunity slip."

Grace smiled. "Believe me I'm grateful, Andre has his eyes back, although it's taking a while to heal."

"It'll take time," Bethy said. "Andre had his eyes taken out, there must've had bee a lot of damage, so of course it'll take time to heal. Be patient, rushing it can hurt him."

Grace sighed. "Right."

"I'll get started on the spell," she smiled. "I'll let you know if I need anything."

"Of course," Grace bit her bottom lip. "Well, I'll go now. Good luck."

Bethy set her leather bag and opened it, she took the book out and placed it on the bookstand. Grace flipped through the pages and found the spell; there are a lot of ingredients. She better get started on the hard part and will leave the rest for later.

As she was gathering the ingredients the room atmosphere changed, Bethy knew who it was before they spoke. "Lucy."

"How did you know?" Lucy walked in.

"I'm your other," she straightens up and glances over at Lucy. "I know your presence."

"Ah," Lucy looked a bit pale.

"Genesis?" Bethy opened a jar with pigskin. "I can't sense his power but not him."

"He's out and about," Lucy grabbed one of the jars and looked at it. "I let him out a while ago to avoid us getting capture. But here we are, at Grace's service."

"You should take him back," Bethy said. "You know it makes you sick when he's out for too long. Until I can find a way to separate you both, body, soul, and magic than Genesi needs to be inside of you."

"You know a lot about me?" Lucy furrowed her brows. "I thought you didn't know anything about me."

Bethy held a here against her chest. "As I said before, I'm your mother, Lucy, just because I was terrible at it, doesn't mean I don't care about your health. You may not remember, but there was one time when you fell ill, very ill, that I tried to take Genesis from you."

"So," Lucy set the jar down. "All this time, I thought you wanted to steal Genesis for your own benefit. To gain more power, but you were actually trying to save me?"

"Yes," Bethy chuckled at the memory, it was a huge misunderstanding, but she never corrected anyone. "I wanted to take the demon out so that you could have a normal life, but I got caught and locked up because they said I was trying to steal your powers."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Lucy glared. "You could've saved yourself from all this headache."

She sighed. "I have done bad things, you know, I did wanted more power, I killed children. All because I wanted to learn how to ancient magic to help you. Everything I have done, all those experiments where o find a way to save you. I know there were probably other ways, but I didn't want to risk losing you. You where the best thing that had ever happened to me, along with Cassius." Bethy laughed nervously. "But everything was a failure, all I did was change people's lives, I created a new race, vampires, then again they already existed it's how I obtained the blood, it was a gift. But I screw it up, some of them can't even stand the sun and are blood-lusting. I damage Kristy and her kids. Elvin is still dealing with his transformation. I experimented with my own son, and what's worse, I badly hurt my sister, Katherine. She's the most affected."

"But they all seem okay," Lucy said. "I heard the vampires that can't go in the sun are locked up, and some of them are even adapting to the night. Those that are original are doing alright. You brought Kristy and Elvin together, my aunt Katherine, she's different but not she has a wolf that can use witch powers. As for Cassius, you gave hi ma family."

Bethy wiped her eyes. "Even so, I must do this, once I learn the ancient powers I'll be able to break through Dolores defenses, and I'll separate you from Genesis, besides Genesis has a thing for Katherine. I'm sure you don't want to be around for that."

"Gross," Lucy shiver. "What else are you going to do?"


Lucy looked at her mother, she wasn't sincere. There is something else she's going to do.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled. "Just know that I'll save our people."

"By killing yourself?" Lucy didn't want to lose her, not now when they are finally starting to be a mother and daughter.

"We have two more years," she said. "We have time to catch up."

Lucy looked around. "Can I at least help you?"

"Yes," she handed her a bowl. "You can help with mixing the ingredients."

Lucy nodded.

They were halfway down when her mother took out an old cloth and set it on the table. She opened it and inside was a white hair. "What is that?"

"For Grace," Bethy said. "I took a strand of hair from Ciana, this will help to set Grace free from Dolores grasp. Ciana's powers are incredible; I was able to exam her because of her blindness. Ciana isn't blind."

"Eh?" Lucy frowned. "What?"

She laughed. "Ciana was able to counter-attack Dolores's spell, everyone thinks she's blind, but in reality, her eyes are just white, she can see celery but doesn't want anyone to know. She can speak like Connor. Ciana told me because she trusts me, and said I can tell one other person."

"Wow," Lucy smiled. "Smart little girl."

"Once Dolores is gone, Ciana will go drop the act," she placed the hair in the small cauldron. "It'll take a while to cook."

Lucy looked at the book. "It's so eerie, just being close to this book make my skin crawl."

"I know," she ran her fingers along the edge of the page. "This book is alive, you know."

"Eh?" Lucy shivered. "Alive? How?"

"It used to be a person," she grabbed a dagger and sliced through the aloe vera, and took the clear gooey subtances, and placed it in a bowl with a red liquid. "The father of all magic, he was very evil, and his powers are so dark, its why only my mother, Dolores, and the elders knew how to use it. But after this, no more. I want you to promise me something that when this is over, take the book somewhere far and hide it, then locked that memory to where you won't remember it, only when some discovers the book will that memory be unlocked."

"I promise," Lucy smiled. "I don't want anyone using this type of magic ever again, no more deaths."

"Let's continue, then we can take a break," she said.

She nodded.

It's good to have this bonding moment, Lucy won't waste time and will spend as much time as possible with Bethy.






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