29: Dolores Attack

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Bethy sat, woke up to a tremendous shaking. It felt like the ground was about to cave in. She stood up and slipped on her robe and ran out. She had only slept for three hours.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"Dolores," Blaise said. "She broke in, she's somewhere in town making a ruckus."

"I see," she ran to the balcony and looked out at the town, fires were breaking out, and the people ran around trying to put them out. "I sense Dolores, she's coming our way."

"I have guards ready to attack her," he said. "To kill if needed."

"Dolores is strong," Bethy ran down the hall to the throne, Grace was there holding Connor. Around Grace where the wolfs and lycans, beside her Andre, without his bandages. "Hey," she ignores Davids's glares.

"That woman," Grace held Connor against her chest. "I swear, I'm going to dismembered her and feed her to the crocodiles."

"Too dark," she said. "Okay, we need to figure out what Dolores wants."

"The book," Lucy said. "I hid it."

"No," Bethy paced. "Dolores can't touch the book, she must kill me to have it, it's like an ownership thing, the book will only obey whoever fed it blood. I know, it's complicated. I doubt she can kill me, not without angering the book. Again, complicated." She nibbles on her bottom lip thinkin' about what Dolors could want. "There is nothing in this temple that interests her." She stopped and look at Connor. "Connor."

"No!" Graces features began to mix, trying to figure out who she was. "That woman better keep hr filth hands off my son."

"I won't let that happen," she smiled. "Remember the necklace that we never used when you were pregnant with Connor?"

Grace nodded. "I remember." She calms down and turns back to normal.

Bethy, too the necklace out and placed it around Connor's neck. "I added something else, a spell from the ancient book, it's a protection spell, it'll hurt anyone who means harm to him. And it'll hurt a lot."

"What did it cost?" Grace asked.

Bethy felt eyes on her, she peeked over at David, his eyes held curiosity and worrisome. She looked away and placed a hand on her stomach. "I won't be able to have kids anymore. But, it's okay, I'll die, so I don't bother me."

Grae glared. "You're slowly giving away parts of your body; I don't like it, Bethy, not one bit."

"It's my payment for my sins," she smiled.

"Is that what I heard?" Lani walked over. "I was passing by your workplace and heard agonizing screams."

"Hmm," Bethy wasn't aware anyone was near, only Lucy knew. "Well it had to come out somehow, Lucy helped me."

"That's why you looked so, pale and ill two days ago," Grace handed Connor to Andre and stepped down, grabbing her hands. "You're still in pain?"

"I'm okay," she sighed. "I'm paying for my sins, pain is the only way I can know how much suffering I have caused."

Lani wrapped her arms around herself. "Bethy, why that part of you?"

"I'm going to die," she said. "I already gave birth twice, there's no need for a third one. Anyways, I just need to rest, but for now, we need to make Dolores run."

"How?" Andre asked.

"I knew Dolores would come by," Bethy smiled. "Someone is waiting outside for her, sorry Connor, she asked me too."

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