23: Breaking

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"This is Connor," Grace set Connor on the bed next to Bob. "If you are my father, then Connor is your grandchild."

"Hello," Bob smiled. "He's a beautiful baby."

"Thank you," she sat on the chair. "Connor, be careful, your grandfather is ill."

"I'll leave him here for a bit, Kiki will stay too," she stood. "I have things to do, but I'll come back later."

"Of course," Bob stroke Connor's hair. "Be safe."

She felt warm with his words. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Thank you," she left the room and made her way to the throne.

"Hey," Blaise smiled. "How is it going with Bob?"

"Good," she held his hand. "Bob keeps me calm and helps me think, having him around has changed my gloomy days, but I'm still me, just with the loss of my daughter I felt incomplete and lost. But now I have him, and I can keep going. I don't want to lose him, so find a way to heal him."

"Already working on it," he led her to the throne.

She sat on her chair and looked down at Dolores. "Dolores, you have been good to me, but you committed a crime. You hurt my child, and I blame you for her being taken from me. Therefore before your execution, I'll use you for something important."

"You can't kill me," Dolores glared. "It's because of me that you're here."

"And I thank you," she smiled. "But your days of ordering me around and doing as you pleased are over. You shouldn't have free Lani, because now you have to die."

"No!" Dolores growled.

"Take her away," Grace sighed. "Don't struggle, Dolores."

Grace leaned back and closed her eyes briefly, but for those few seconds, things got out of control. Dolores used her unlocked magic to turned the guards into frogs.

"I'm not going to die!" Dolores was surrounded by a dark mist. "I will take control of you, Grace, and you will do my bidding, but for now, I have things to do. Now that I have my powers, there is nothing I can't do."

Blaise blocked her from the explosion.

Grace growled. "I'm going to kill that woman! Find her!"

"Grace," Blaise cupped her face. "Your face, it's cracking."

"What?" She ran to the waters and looked down at her reflection, sure enough, her skin was beginning to crack. "Something is wrong with me."

"It could be your powers," Blaise said. "Maybe being around Bob isn't good."

"Don't you dare," she felt power flow out of her body and surrounded them. "Leave Bob alone, don't you dare try to hurt him!"

"Alright," Blaise stepped back. "I promise I won't, but I'm just saying maybe try to spend time away from Bob."

"I'll try," she stepped down and wrapped her arms around herself. "I'm breaking Blaise; things aren't going my way; it's like another force is getting in my way."

"You won't break," Blaise rubbed her arms. "Grace, you'll get through this, we are going to rule this world, and no one is going to stop us."

She nodded. "Right, I'm going to go check on Andre."

"I'll let you know once Dolores is captured," he kissed her.

Lately, she hasn't been loving Blaise touch. All she wants is for Andre to be here, to feel his hands on her body. "I want Dolores alive."

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