14: Year One

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Kiki sat on the chair, holding Connor, who sat on her lap, watching the performers. She hated this, but she couldn't do anything. She didn't want to anger Grace. It's been a year since she woke up, so far, things have been going smoothly. She hasn't conquered any land, only this one. Outside the Witch Town, everyone is oblivious to what's happening. It sucks; worse of all, she's in charge of taking care of her future husband, Connor. He sleeps in the same bedroom every night, in the same bed. The kid likes to fondle her chest. Literally, he held on to them for dear life during the nights. It was exhausting taking care of him. She could only imagine when he's a full adult. Shivering at the thought, she cast out of her head.

What's worse, she looked over at Andre resting near Grace, he isn't human anymore. Any humanity he had, dissipated. When she tried talking to him and looked into his eyes, all she saw was an emptiness that made her heartache. All she saw was the beast, he lycan.

She has tried many times to wake him, but all have failed. It's like his human soul was ripped from within his body. Then again, Grace is Death. She could've had killed the human part of Andre. Sighing, she looked away, unable to bear it.

'Why are you sad?' Connor asked. 'I don't like it when your sad, tell me.'

'Leave me alone, you jerk,' she cursed.

'I sense you're displeased with me,' he said. 'Have I done something to make you hate me? I'll stop fondling you.'

Kiki looked down at Connor, who looked back at her. 'I want my life back, my friends, Andre, I want him back, and Grace too. Connor, this isn't normal; it's not fair.'

'I cannot do anything,' Connor said. 'I'm powerless at the moment if I could, I would stop my mother. Heavens know how much I love my mother, but I hate what was done to her. I want her back as much as you do, but we'll have to hope that my aunt Kat finds away. She's still missing, along with Lucy. They'll figure out away. So please, I don't wish to see such sadness in your beautiful eyes.'

She took a deep breath and exhale. Smiling, she kissed Connor's head. She might hate Connor's advances and sexual harassment, but it's good to know his heart is pure.

'No more fondling me,' she heard his laughter.

The sound of clapping broke her thoughtfulness. It's so strange, most of the guests where the townspeople who, in a way, were frightened of Grace.

But the people bow to her will as not to anger Grace. The day she came out, they knelt before her. No one defied her or disobey. Another thing, the children were put on strict lectures, learning powerful spells, dangerous ones. Black Magic. Grace had ordered to open the vault where the Black Magic books and items where held. Since then, the children knew more about how to kill an animal with a flick of their fingers.

It was frightening watching them. Even more, the look on some of the children wrench her heart, they were afraid, some do it because they had no other choice, but others, they enjoyed it. If they refused, well, nothing really happens. Grace has sympathy for the children and is always spoiling them. It must be because she's a mother herself.

"Connor, come to mama," Grace took Connor, and Kiki felt empty. She grasped her hands together and placed them on her lap. "You been a naughty boy, now where did you put Lani? Hmm, come on, tell me."

That's right, Lani once tried to take control of Grace by with a binding spell, oh boy did it fail, and since than Lani felt Grace rage. Since then, Lani comes and goes; this time, it was Connor so made her disappeared. The kid is a monster, but she loved him.

Oh, it seems Grace to fancy to her mother, Dolores. She doesn't understand what she sees in that wicked woman. A woman who killed her father. She hated her mother.

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