32: A Promise

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"What happened?"

"You fainted," Andre held the cup of water to Grace's lips. "Drink."

"Thanks," she drank some of the water. "I fainted?"

"Too much information," Lucy chuckled. "You overstressed yourself and weren't breathing when I told you to."

"I hope they didn't think I did it on purpose," she sighed.

"Nope," Lucy stood. "Next time, breathe."

Andre stroke her hair.

"Now that your awake," Lucy fiddle with her hands. "Bethy and David are gone, we don't know where they went."

"Great," Grace sighed. "Bethy probably left to finish the spell somewhere else, but I know David is with her, how is the kid taking all of this?"

"Angry, upset," Lucy said. "My little brother wants our mother."

"Sorry," Grace pats her hand. "I wish I could do something, but I can't control what your mother does."

"I know," Lucy sighed. "Well, I better go comfort Cassius, it's the first time I'm spending time with him."

"Good luck," she said.

Andre leaned against the pillows. "Your brother, Shane, Emma, Kristy, Elvin, and Anibal are with your father updating him on everyone else.

She looked down. "I took my father away from them."

"No," Andre said. "I think your father's choices to be here with you. He knew his other daughters were being taken care of and were safe, but you, you needed him more."

She leaned against him. "I suppose that's true because he's here. I feel happy."

He stroked her hair. "Whenever your ready to see them, tell me."

She nodded. "I need to try and remember them."

Andre laid there with Grace in his arms.

He could only imagine the many lives that were affected by Dolores. A lot of things have happened, to much suffering all because of the ambition of one woman.

He's curious as to how Dolores found Grace, how long has Dolors been manipulating her. When did it start?

Too many questions and no answers.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

"About life," he said. "About what we are going to do after, where do you want to live?"

"Somewhere quiet," she said. "A place where I can start new, I know I should go back home, but I need a fresh start."

"I think we all do," he smiled. "I'll find us a home."

She planted a kiss on his chest. "I would love that."

He ran his fingers down her spine, making her shiver. He was going to make a move, but the kids interrupted, they climbed onto the bed giggling.

He lifted Ciana up, holding her by her waist, she squealed and laughed. "Shoudn;t you two be with Kiki?

Connor held a little bottle. "Kiki is right here."

Grace gasp. "Connor, you let Kiki out this moment."

Connor pouted and opened the jar, shook it until Kiki fell out and grew to her regular size. She grabbed Connor and spanked him. "You are sleeping alone."

"Aww," Connor cling to her. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me!"

Andre set Ciana down. "You kids are troublesome, give Kiki a break."

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