19: Baby Light

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Grace laid in bed, rubbing her belly. For some odd reason, her stomach grew to full size in one night. After a long hot, sweaty sex with Andre. It was a glorious battle, in the end, he won and gain control of her. But now he's chained up like a pet.

"Ah!" Grace arched her back. "My insides, they feel like their burning up as if someone lit a fire."

"Dolores!" Blaise growled. "Do something, this baby something is wrong with it."

Dolores placed her hand on her womb and pulled back. "We need to get rid of this child, she's tainted in the purest of lights. She's no daughter of darkness, but of light. She must die."

Grace gripped Dolores's hand tightly. "Touch my daughter, and I'll rip your heart from your chest and feed it to you!"

Blaise growled. "How is it that possible? I planted my seed in her with some of my powers."

Grace screamed out in pain. "Do something?! I want my daughter to be safe!"

She didn't care if her daughter is light, no one is going to kill her. Whoever dares touch her daughter is going to wish they weren't born.

"Alright," Dolores sighed. "Hurry up! You three get started in the spell! Once the child is born, we must enclose her within a barrier to protect the Queen and everyone else."

Grace wanted to argue with them, but she didn't. She needed to concentrate on making sure her daughter survives.

For hours Grace had to endure excruciating pain. Patches of charred skin began to form through her body from the light that burns within her body. It was trying to devour the darkness nesting in her heart.


"Now!" Dolores yelled. "Enclosed, her!"

Grace watched her baby in Dolores's arms. As the sorcerers tried to enclosed her inside a barrier to try and prevent her from cleansing the atmosphere. "My daughter hand her over!" She held her arms out.

"We cannot!" Dolores said. "Grace, she will consume you!"

"She's mine!" The room shook violently.

And then the glowing stopped, and she heard a cry, and someone was screaming in pain. "It burns!"

There was a growl, and the baby stopped crying.

"What is going on?" Grace held her arms out. "My baby."

"The mutt has her," Blaise said with frustration in his voice. "But it seems the baby calmed down. She must know Andre is her father."

"Good," Grace lowered her arms and sighed. "I need to rest to gain my energy back and to heal."

"You're going to let him take care of the baby?" Blaise asked.

"Yes," Grace looked over at Andre, holding the child in his arms. Grace could see a patch of white hair and a small little hand sticking out. "What color are her eyes?"

Andre growled. "She's blind."

Grace sat up. "What?!"

"They blinded her with that barrier," Andre snarl baring his fangs. "Whatever they did, caused her blindness. I saw her beautiful baby blue eyes fade."

Grace stood and staggered over.

"Grace!" Blaise grabbed her by the arms. "Stop and go back to bed."

"They blinded my child!" She trapped the sorcerers and Dolores in a spell. "I warned you, hurt my daughter, and you would pay the consequences! You blinded her on purpose, didn't you?!"

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