11: I win

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Bethy rose from the bed and pushed Kiki back out through the door. "We need to go now!"

"What about Grace?!" Kiki yelled. "We can't leave her here!"

"It's too late for her!" Bethy said. "We can' risk Lani getting her child, we have to go! Grace has succumbed to the darkness. Don't you feel it swirling around her!"

"Damn it!" Kiki held on to the baby.

Bethy grabbed a bag from the corner and slung across her body. "Let's go," she too the necklace out. "This will protect you and the baby, it'll musk your scent."

A loud thud came from Grace's room.

"She's coming," Bethy pushed Kiki out the front door. "Run and don't look back."

Bethy looked back and saw Grace stumble out of the door darkness swirling around her it wrapped around her as it belonged, and that wasn't right? Why did it do that? Something was wrong? Very wrong.

She didn't have time to observe, she needed to get away before they caught up to them. Bethy watches as the house went up in black flames; they rose high up to the sky, creating a dark grey cloud, flames so dark that it terrified her for the first time since the day she abandoned her belief, she was terrified of the monster that Lani was.

"I'm Leapomg us away!" She yelled.

"Are you crazy?!" Kiki shouted. "It's too much for the baby!"

"He'll handle it, won't you, little one," the green in his eye flicker even bright as if he understood. "I will get your mother back, I promise, but not now, okay." He blinked his eyes once in understanding. "Let's go, one."

"This s crazy!" Kiki said.

"Two," Bethy gripped Kiki shoulder. "Three!" Please let us arrive at the right place, Bethy prayed.

A blue smoke engulfed them, sending them across.

"What the fuck?!" Elvin stood and glared. "What are you doing here, Bethy?"

She breathed heavily and looked up at Elvin and Kristy. "I, wait, let me catch my breath, that Leap took a lot out of me."

"Oh man," Kiki landed hard onto the wooden floor. "Oh, is that water?" She yawned out of the table without touching it and drank it. "You think she'll follow us?"

"No," Bethy felt a trickle of blood ."Shit," she too ka vile out and pulled the cooker out. She took a sip and let it ease its way throughout her body to repair the damage done.

"What are you doing here?" Elvin glared.

"Bad," Bethy looked up. "My home has been engulfed in darkness, Elvin, Lani, a powerful Witch, my sister ha been unleashed upon the earth. And now she has Grace, Andre and Lucy trapped. Elvin, Lani will come for Grace baby; we need your help. Your daughter can help conceal him until we can figure out how to stop Lani for good; if not, it's going to get ugly. Everyone is at risk now."

"Grace," Kristy walked over. "So it's true, there have been rumors about a village that disappeared and that the area withered away. Nothing is growing, and it keeps spreading."

"Grace," Bethy stood. "Lani did something to her, ah, I need to know who Grace really is."

"She's a lycan and wolf," Elvin said.

"No," Bethy glared. "Grace is not a lycan nor a wolf, I saw it, Elvin, I saw how the black flames accepted her, how the became one with her. And, Grace is not human, the first time I met her, I sense no animal in her, nothing. I sensed light barely hanging fighting the darkness within."

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