22: Year Two

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Andre gripped Grace's hips. Even though he was blind, he could never forget her body; he memorized every inch, even the freckles scatter along her back.

Another year has gone by, and Grace succeeded in conquering three human towns. She figured out they were easier targets. The shapeshifters and vampires have been trying to break through the barriers to set them free so far the only manage to save a few. But Grace has become dangerous.

"Andre," Grace placed her hands on his chest and moved her hips back and forth. "Your distracted again; what's on your mind?" Andre is happy that Grace couldn't read his thoughts anymore.

"Nothing," he smiled. He ran his hands along Grace's back, digging the pads of his fingers into her skin.

"Hmm," she kissed him. "I hate that you hide things from me, but I'll accept it."


Andre growled. "Go away."

"Not like I haven't seen this before," Blaise stepped into the room, Andre memorized everyone's footsteps. "My love, once you're done, I found the older gentleman, it tools us too long, but he's here. We placed him in the room you had prepared for him, though I should warn you he's very ill."

Andre heard Grace gasp. "Finally."

Andre knew who Blaise was talking about, Bob. How did they find him?

"Let me finish," Grace said.

"Of course," Blaise retreated from the room, closing the doors.

Andre gripped Grace's hips tightly and thrusts. "Easy," she moaned loudly. "You get jealous whenever Blaise is here; it reassures me that you will never leave my side."

Andre nodded and gripped her bottom and thrust with force, and like always, Grace forced him to shift.

After they were finished, Andre laid in bed, in his human form, thinking about Bob. Perhaps Bob can trigger a change in Grace. Bob is a kind man, and I doubt Grace would harm him.

"Hey," Kiki enters the room. "I brought you some food." He sat up and listen to the little footsteps following Kiki. Now that Connor learned to walk, there is no stopping him.

"Thank you," he said.

"Here," Kiki handed him the piece of bread. "Have you heard?"

"About Bob, yes," he bit into the warm bread. "I hope Bob can shine some light into Grace's heart."

"Yeah," Kiki sighed. "Connor, don't do that."

"Can't control him anymore," Andre chuckled.

"It's hard," Kiki groaned. "He's become more, troublesome."

'I have not,' Connor complained. 'I thought you would be happy now that I learn to walk, don't get me wrong sitting on your lap is wonderful, but I need to start thinking about myself and to grow up to becoming the man you need.'

"Wow," Andre smirk. "The kid is finally growing up."

'Shut up,' Connor growled.

Andre felt around for the cup. "Here," Kiki hand it to him.

"Thanks," he took a sip, wine. "So what have you been doing?"

"Nothing," Kiki sighed. "Taking care of Connor, making sure he doesn't cause any problems. And Grace has me studying black magic, she said it's to protect Connor, though I don't want to learn it, I feel like I''m being corrupted."

'I hate it too,' Connor said. 'But we can't go against my mother, she has become more, smarter.'

"I see," Andre licked his lips. "We'll figure something out, for not keep ding what Grace tells you to do. I don't want anything to happen to you, Kiki."

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