30: Year Four

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Bethy coughed until blood came out.

"Mom," Lucy stood beside her. "Are you okay? Want me to get help?"

"No," she wiped the blood from her mouth and drank the tea. "I'm okay, I guess losing an important organ really damage me."

"I can't stand this," Lucy wiped her forehead. "I don't like seeing you in pain, it's too much. Please take a break."

"We only have one year left," she said. "At that time, there will be an eclipse, I need to have this ready by then. If not, we won't have another chance, and Dolores will win."

Lucy sighed. "Okay," she stood. "I'll go get your bath ready, stay here."

Bethy sat on the bed and rubbed her stomach. She's gotten sicker, this is what she didn't want to tell anyone. So far, she has told them lies, the eclipse is just an excuse to avoid the truth. The spell is already working, this is what she means when her body and soul would be torn apart. It's why she left Cassius and everyone else without telling them. Bethy didn't want them to see her like this or pity her. Or try to stop her. Elvin was determined to find another way, but there isn't.

Her time is almost up.

"You're not getting better," David walked in and knelt in front of her. He has been stopping by to remind her he's not letting her die. But it's too later now.

"Yeah, well, it's what happens when you mess with ancient magic," she stood. It was getting harder to move around.

She stumbles, and David held her holding her arm, which caused her pain. "Sorry," he loosens his grip.

"It's fine," she smiled. "The most gentle touch causes me pain."

"When are you going to stop?" He asked.

"Until I'm not more than a memory," she took deep breathes. "Help me to the bathroom, Lucy is getting my bath ready.

"Okay," he picked her up and carried her.

She tsk. "It's getting old, you know."

"What is?" He acted like he didn't know.

"This," she said, "You coming by all the time to torment me, but I get the feeling it's not just because of it. Is it Lucy? Is she your soulmate?"

He stopped and looked at her as if that was the most horrific thing she has ever said. "No," he said. "How haven't you notice?"

"Hmm," she gulped. "Oh, that will never happen; I'll be dead. And since my soul is being ripped, I don't feel like you do, worry. Is that why you don't want me to die? How can you want to bond with me after everything I did? I kill your sister, I need you to hate me."

"Beleive me, I'm trying," he said. "But you're making it difficult, every time I see you, I feel my own soul get torn. Your killing me too."

"Sorry," she sighed. "Really, I am, I'd wonder why you never felt it when I experiment on you?"

He liked the door opened to the bathroom, Lucy looked up and glared. "Probably because my wolf didn't want to accept it and was in pain."

"Right," she coughed. "Well, thanks for bringing me."

He set her down gently. "Yeah."

"Hmm," Lucy held the door open. "Wait outside."

"Will do," he said.

Bethy sat on the chair and waited for Lucy. It sucks to have her own daughter help her bathe.

But soon, she'll be nothing but a bad memory.

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