13: Too late

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Bethy held her son in her arms. "You been a good boy, right?" She kissed the top of his head. His hair had darkened over time. "I'm sorry for what I did to you. I wasn't myself. But I am now."

"Wow," Kiki laid on the bed flat om her stomach. "Your so tender."

"Hush," Bethy smiled. "Where's the baby?"

"With Kristy and Elvin and the other kids," Kiki rolled over onto her back. "I needed a break Bethy, the kid is always in my head. Even now, he's trying to penetrate the walls that I put in my head. I won't let him, oh, he has a name, Connor."

Bethy shivered. "Hmm," she stood with her son in arms and walked over to the window. She sucked in her breath. "Oh, god!"

Kiki rushed to her side, and Bethy could sense the fear oozing out of her. "Oh, fuck!" She skidded out of the room and went downstairs. "She's here!" She shouted.

Bethy stepped back and followed. She made it to the living room. "Here!" She handed her son over to Kristy and walked over to the center of the house.

"What are you doing?" Elvin was on the verge of shifting; she could see his eyes dilating.

"Putting up a barrier!" She said. "I don't understand how did she find us so fast."

The house shook violently. The lanterns turned off one by one as the sky darkened, living them in the darkness. She adjusted her vision and looked around. "She's here," she could see her breath, the room becoming colder and deadlier by the second. Evil surrounded them; it wasn't pleasant. "Lani! You don't have to do this; he's just a child!"

A laugh echo through the room, it had so much menace.

'Dear Bethy,' Lani spoke. 'I already won, I have Blaise, Grace, and a pet named Andre. I'll soon have Lucy and my dear Cat. Just admit defeat. Don't move, you fucking mutt. I mean, Elvin.'

Elvin growled. "What do you want?"

'The boy,' Lani said. 'Give him to me, and I'll let you all live. Come on now, it's rude to separate a mother from their child. Grace is waiting for him.'

"We aren't giving him up!" Kristy yelled.

Kiki held Connor. "What do we do?"

'Kiki,' Lani sang. 'You're coming with me as well; your body will be used to breed with the pets I have.'

"Gross," Kiki held Connor against her chest. She rathered be with Connor than some nasty men. "No, thank you."

'You don't have a choice,' Lani snarl. 'She has been preparing you for a long time now. Your at the age where your powers are at full capacity.'

"My mother?" Kiki frowned. "What do you mean?"

'Oh,' Lani laughed. 'Well, let me tell you, it was Dolores who helped me out.' Bethy eyes widened with shock. 'She placed a fake seal so that I could easily allow my darkness to escape, not much but some. And over time she weakened each day, it too ka a long time, I can't blame her, the council sure does now how to jail someone. Anyways during those days, I asked her to have sex with a Warlock, even though she hated the idea. But she obeys, nine months later you were born, you were dipped in my waters coated your beautiful skin with darkness. You bathed in my waters for years until you were ten when your Warlock powers awaken. After that, I had Dolores kill your father to get his blood. We used it to awaken more of your powers, but the bastard put a protected spell upon you. Even now, I can't tap into your head. That was another reason why he died, he knew too much! But now my dear Kiki, come with me, bring the boy. And I promise to not hurt your mother.'

Kiki felt her legs shake, at any moment they'll cave in. "My mother is a cruel woman! I will never be like her, you can have her!"

'Ugh!' Lani was losing her patience. 'Fine! I tried doing it the easy way, now it'll be the hard way!'

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