34: Year 5 of the Begining

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Bethy laid on the bed as her body adjusted to the new agonizing pain.

"I hate seeing you like this," David said.

She smiled. "Than you should leave."

"No," he glared. "Stop trying to send me away; I'm not going to leave you Bethy, I'll stay with you until your last breath."

"Than don't complain about my pain," she clutched the quilt. "Bucket!"

He grabbed the wooden bucket and held it to her as she threw up a mixture of vomit and blood.

"I got a letter from Grace," he said. "Dolores is near the town with a few rogues from many races. She's going opened the barrier and let them in."

"It'll be too late," Bethy cough. "By then, Grace will be powerful enough to defeat her."

"Grace?" David frowned. "What are you talking about? Aren't you the one who's going to take Dolores down?"

"I was," she said. "But then I thought about it; I'll be too weak. So I changed my plans, I'll sacrifice myself so that Grace can inherit the ancient magic."

He shook his head. "Grace isn't going to be happy."

"I know," she laid back down. "But once Dolores dies, Grace will be the only one to use the ancient magic. She could be named the Great Witch."

"Oh," David kissed her head. "Your a good woman Bethy."

Bethy closed her eyes. "Thank you, David, for being here with me."

"I would do this all over again," he rests his forehead against hers.

She winced. "Hey, will you look for me?"

"Hmm?" He frowned in confusion.

She licked her dried and cracked lips. "I mean, will you find me in my next life?"

"Yes," he stroke her pale red hair. "I'll search the whole damn world, and I will find you, you're not going to get rid of me that easily."

She laughed and held her stomach.

"Here," he helped her drink some water. "Try and get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

She attempted to sleep, but it was impossible. The pain prevented her from relaxing, her body ached, and her soul burn.

But then David began stroking her hair, and that was enough to ease the pain and for her to get some sleep.

She slept for a few hours until something woke her up. She sat up to see Dolores standing over David. David had a dagger sticking out of his chest. She tried to scream, but nothing came out, no sound.

She tried to reach David, but her body wouldn't move, what's going on? How did Dolores find them?

"Run.." A girl's voice said. "Run!"

Bethy woke up and winced. "David we have to go, now, Dolores knows where we are and is coming for us."

"How?" He asked.

"A dream," she said. "I don't have time to explain, but let's go, because Dolores is making her move."

David stood. "Alright," he packed the necessary and essential items. "Come on," David helped her up and went out to the wagon. "Careful," he helped her up onto the back.

Bethy laid down and sighed. "It's starting, the beginning of the end; whatever Dolores is planning won't be good."

"I'll protect you," he said. "No matter what, I'll protect you until your last breath."

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