~☆ Little Homeschool.. ☆~

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Hello readers,
     I'd just like to give y'all a heads up that if you wanna read this book (and have it make any sense at all) you gotta go read the first book titled 'Mom... Had a part in this?'. Yeah, sorry about that. My boos are really messy to keep up with lol.

That's all for now folks, enjoy the chapter!


An unknown hand turned on a water faucet.

The hand, with familiar pink sleeves, grabbed three bottles from a cabinet. They then closed it, revealing Steven in the mirror he winked and smiled at the girl behind him. She giggled at the small act of affection.

He then poured in a drop of essence from of each of the bottles into a bathtub full of water. He kissed the tips of his index and middle fingers before dipping them in as well, serving as the pink essence.

"Will it work?" The girl, Y/N, asked "Worth a try" Steven answered. Y/N then did the same as Steven, the 5 essence's along with the bath water fused into... well... Practically the end results of a bath bomb.

Steven then reached for a bubble that was just floating around the room, holding a gem in it. "Happy welcome back day" Him and Y/N chimed in a sing-song voice. Y/N then put a hand on the bubble and Steven and her both submerged the bubble in the water.

A big figure began to reform, a Quartz, most likely. She was about 6 feet tall, skin completely pink with splatters of orange here and there from post-corruption and she was basically wearing a bikini.

"Hello" Steven said nonchalantly.

"Agh! Where am I? Who are you?!?" The gem panicked as she tried to be as far way from the couple she could.

"That used to be a loaded question but now I can say with confidence that I'm Steven Universe!!" Steven exclaimed happily.

"And this is my girlfriend Y/N, and your in my bathroom.." he said as Y/N leaned on his shoulder "What happened to me??" The gem looked in the mirror and touched her horns, she the began to explore around the toilet "Well.. you got—" Y/N began but was interrupted by the gem "What is this!?!" She pointed a plunger at them both, Y/N hid behind Steven as Steven held his hands out in front of his chest "You were corrupted in a Diamond blast but.. you've just been healed.." Steven tried to explain "And that is a.. plunger" Steven then pushed the plunger down slowly "Eww! go wash your hands!" Y/N yelled at him as she pushed him towards the sink.

"Let me fill you in on everything you've missed" Y/N explained as she walked out of the bathroom towards the kitchen counter as Steven did as told and washed his hands " 'Missed' ?" The gem asked as she stood right outside the door "We have some reading stuff" Y/N picked 2 brochures and walked towards the gem as Steven exited the bathroom "Available in english and gem glyph.. Spanish forthcoming" Steven said as Y/N handed the gem the brochures. The first brochure said 'You and your new horns' with a teal gem with white hair giving a thumbs up, obviously with horns. The second one said "Era four & more!" the picture was of the Diamonds shaping the Diamond authority symbol, with Steven in Pink's place and Y/N peaking out from behind him.


The trio was outside now, getting ready to enter the car as Steven twirled around with his keys.

"Watch your head" Steven reminded as The gem carefully stepped into the back seat. Y/N being in the front passenger seat and Steven in the drivers seat. Y/N then inserted a VHS tape with an unknown label, the pink gem then sunk into her seat nervously as Y/N looked back at her. Steven started the car.

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