~☆ Rose Buds and a full bloomed Jasmine.✦-

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Before you start reading:
In the story I've named Y/N's mother Mariah. Pronounced Ma-Rye-Ah
If you don't like the name you could always change it to something different. If it is suggested enough I'll change it to M/N = Mothers name.
All for now My honeybuns and hope you enjoy the chapter!

"Alright mom..." Steven said nervously as he looked at the gorgeous painting of his mother "Where should you go?" He asked as he picked up the painting.

Over the Temple door? No.
"Yeah!"... "Hmm.."

"How bout.. here!"
In the observatory? No.
"Hmmm.." Steven was still troubled.

In the hand where the washing machine was? No.
"Grrr.." Boy getting angry a tad..

On his bed? No.

On the outside wall? No.
He jumped so high only to take it down.

In the bathtub?

He placed it in its original place
"Ahh!!" He picked up the painting once again

"Hey Steven!" Y/N called from down stairs, she was laying on the sofa "Be down there in a minute.." Steven said tiredly "Oh man, why so blue? Aren't you supposed to be pink?" Y/N asked as Steven flopped onto her and she grunted "I'm not a pillow!" She said as he messed up his hair. Steven laughed "But your soft and fluffy like one!" Steven said as he hugged her, his head resting on her chest. Steven smirked as a mischievous idea popped into his head "Y/N..." he said "What?" Y/N asked worriedly "I'm hungry for CHICKEN THIGHS!!!!" He then proceeded to tickle her as he lifted her leg up "NO!!" Y/N screamed between her laughs. She eventually freed herself from his grip and ran outside "I'M STILL HUNGRY!!" Steven ran after her and wrapped his arms around her waist. The two gasped "HOW DARE THEY!?!" Steven said he looked up at the arriving spaceship "THEY COME FROM SPACE FOR THE THIGHS AS WELL!?!" Steven said. He then looked at the spaceship closely as Amethyst and Greg arrived "Steven!" Greg said surprisedly.. you already know why.. Steven chuckled nervously and let go of Y/N. "Woahoho.. hey.." Steven said as the others awed surprisedly at the space ship.

"Stevan! Greetings!" Y-6 said happily over the communicator, the spaceship was the Zooman's "J-10! Y-6!" Steven said happily as Y/N looked at them curiously "How'd you get your space station all the way over here?" Steven asked "We took the Zoo ship and turned into a cruise ship!" Y-6 explained "Oh hey J-10, Y-6" Greg waved "I haven't seen y'all since the choosening" Greg said nervously"You mean since you didn't chooseen us?" Y-6 asked angrily as J-10 turned her head away from the camera and walked away "DON'T YOU HAVE SOME SOUND DISCS TO LISTEN TO IN YOUR WHEELED CONVEYANCE??!" Y-6 asked aggressively "Yes.. I do.." Greg backed away "Now that he is gone, We'd love it if you came by for a visit.." Y-6 invited "Sure thing! Is it ok if Amethyst and Y/N come by? So Amethyst can say hi to the famethysts? And I can introduce you all to Y/N?" Steven asked "As long as they are not Ga-reg, they're welcome!" Y-6 said.

"Woah.." The Zooman's place had turned into a place that would make the likes Miss Mariah Morganite proud. The Zoomans and Amethysts had a party going on in they're plant haven "Stevan! Welcome to our ca-ruise!" Y-6 greeted "Y-6! It's so different here." Steven said as Y/N explored the plant life, that was the best she got out of Mariah. "Humans have control of the ship now while the Amethysts laze about like delinquents all day" Y-6 said "Did I say that right Holly blue?" Y-6 innocently asked Holly Blue "Stop relaxing and get back to your post!!" Holly Blue ordered a relaxing Amethyst "Ugh!! How can you stand this total lack of order?" Holly asked as she freaked out "Chill out Holly Blue, you know you want to" An Amethyst told her as she put a white and pink flower crown over the right side of her head "I give up.. No one answers to me and I answer to no one.." Holly Blue stated the disappointing fact to her "I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds.." she said admirably "But all they talk about is Steven, Y/N, Steven— Y/N!?!??!?" She jumped back at the sight of the girl who Steven decorated with flowers "Hi holly" Steven greeted as Y/N waved, Holly saluted at them "Bye Holly..." Y/N said as Holly walked away embarrassedly. The Famethysts laughed at her "YO! FAMETHYSTS!!!" Amethyst screamed, she then did that thing Jasper did when the rolled over to some one like sonic. Sonic Amethyst then crashed into the Famethysts like bowling pins as they called out her name. The Famethyst and Amethyst laughed as they had a small reunion "Stevan! Who is this?" Y-6 asked as he pointed at Y/N "Hi?" Y/N waved at him "Well, Ladies first. So Y/N, these are the Zoomans! When mom realized the earth was dying cause of the gems emerging and stuff one of the things mom pleaded for was to save the humans so the Diamonds created this place and threw a bunch of Humans in. Blue still kept it going for the sake of remembering mom.. and yeah.. that's it." Steven explained "Oh..." Y/N said quietly and then nodded "And Y-6, this is Y/N. Her mom was one of the Diamonds and did almost the same as mine. She has a Morganite gem in her but it's inside her though." Steven explained, Y-6 gasped "No wonder!! Now I can take you both to meet new friends!" Y-6 then guided them throughout a neon pink tunnel.

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