✦Back home in your arms✦

884 32 39

    Sorry I'm 2 lazy to get music for this chapter so sorry y'all-
    As u know always be sure to notify me if ya see any typos pls 👁👁
Also this chap was published on my day of borth so hApPy bIryHday tO mEEe

💓 Second Person POV💓

Steven sighed.

8 'o clock had rolled around by the time he had rolled around to his home sweet home. Even the colourful night sky wasn't pleasing at this hour.

All he wanted to do was strip naked, bounce into a quick shower and land in bed just as quick as this entire sentence flew by.

Nothing was pleasing.
Not even himself!
(Tbh hardly himself looking back on most of the events of SU:F :( )

The mad lad was over here blaming himself for 'overreacting'! Thinking about al the stuff he said to Connie, hoping he didn't panic over it too hard. I mean...

It's a kiss.
Not like Connie was pregnant with his child!

But, kisses are a lot sometimes.

He wasn't even sure if charging Connie with the kiss was that mature. The kiss wasn't even all that mature. The whole show Steven and Connie put on because of that damn kiss wasn't mature! (Why do I keep dissing myself)

He could've easily told you himself, then again, Connie can do the same.

That didn't even completely sound like any sort of sense in his mind, so Steven chose to just dismiss his thoughts on his childish love Triangle.

It's a kiss, a simple press of the lips. Not like your passionate make out sessions. Ah, that's another thing he wanted. Craved, longed for.


You, hopefully snuggled in bed just waiting for him to join you. And you'd be all buried in the duvets, nice duvets. Warm duvets. And you'd be warm too...

The poor thing felt so sleepy by his thoughts that he just felt like laying down on the sand and passing out there like some drunkard, probably get eaten by seagulls or whatever. But as it may, he had to face his nemesis now..

The staircase.

And lets out an almost inaudible 'ugh'.

You'd be exhausted physically and mentally if you'd gone through his day. Er, evening. His day with you was heaven on Earth for sure.

But chasing some suspicious bets friend ALL the way down an entire boardwalk, getting unauthorised kisses, losing his marbles over it, probably losing his most important childhood friend over it, having to walk the way home at the other side of the beach while the only thing he can think of is how much he regrets losing his marbles over the simple kiss:

Is one hell of an evening.
I'd be brain n' body dead too.

He finally reached the top of the staircase and throttled a few cusses under his breath as he opened the door.

The house was empty.
Lights all off.

He flipped on the light switch and winced at the bright lights, but that didn't stop him — Duh— So into the bathroom he went.


"Frickin' Connie, such a good friend but what an ass with her lovers. Ass to her former lovers. What the hell? We never even dated..." Steven ,now in his comfy and thick stripy pyjamas pants and a white top that almost choked him with the collar, sleepily muttered to himself as he treaded up the stairway.

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